Daily reminder: if you aren't a youngshit, then you have transphobic abusive parents

daily reminder: if you aren't a youngshit, then you have transphobic abusive parents
your parents suspected something was wrong when you were repressing, and yet they did nothing about it and let you suffer, just contemplate that level of cruelty and let it sink in

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Yeah sucks lol

Yes thanks we all knew this

What counts as a youngshit

My parents told me they would have taken me to a catholic ‘therapist’ ie conversion therapy if I came out as a minor
The cruelty works in different ways

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Genuine question, I started testosterone at 17, is that young/midshit or... what is it? I was pushing to start testosterone since I was like 12 but parents were kind of shitty.

>blame your parents for not mind reading you
>blame society for you fucking up
>blame everyone but yourself

Hey at least it's fembrained

>punished for behaving girly
>rewarded for being a "normal boy"
i fucking hate my parents

>blame your parents for not mind reading you
yeah parents should just ignore their kids and never inquire about their mood, 10/10 parenting
same, I'll never forget that my dad made me get my long hair cut

They did this shit to my trans sister too when she was repressing despite being "allies"- they would bribe her to cut her hair or punish her for having it long, because they were "scared of her getting bullied" . Now they try and make her girlmode and come out. It's so fucking stupid.

I know

we didn't have money for the gender doctor
also anything wrong with me was usually blamed on autism lol

Transition before bone fusion and not checking your privilege

13 or lower, although it depends since some people look like youngshits at 25, midshit is 14-16 roughly, lateshit is 16-20, oldshit is 20-25, boomerhon is 30+
anyone between 25 and 30 however is young enough to not have honfidence but far too old to pass one bit so they always sudoku

I started taking T (ftm) at late 16 and I have a mostly male skeleton (square jaw, wide wide shoulders and narrow hips, big hands and long arms), but I also mostly did before I took T, am I am honorary youngshit?

the definitions keep changing

this is why I don't talk to my parents anymore
that and the life-destroying BPD behavior from my mom I managed to inherit...

Not my mom's fault i lied to her face when she asked if i was trans. Or that i laughed when my dad told me he would be ok if i wore dresses.

I'm way more transphobic than they are.

was there even a definition in the first place?
every ftm is a youngshit hun
the only reason ftms dont pass is due to cockiness and fucking up their own transition, i mean a lot of them try so little they actively make it harder for themselves to pass instead of doing nothing
i only dislike a lot of ftms because of how retarded a lot of them are tbhon, i don't mind the sane ones

yeah, "youngshit" used to mean 16
discord troons of course keep putting the age lower and lower

most youngshits just diy tho?

my parents dont believe in therapy, ofc it was never gonna happen.
also they are insanely transphobic

yep thanks mom, my goddess removed her from my life and this world thankfully, mom might have let me suffer and rot there forever, Ellaphae would not

Came out 10 years ago, I was too ashamed to move forward and they happily never brought it up again. She said she " didn't want to upset me"

true, it depends though. i've seen 14 year old hunks so

Depends on your attitude, can't tell from this post