How can /tttt/ ever and even recover?

how can /tttt/ ever and even recover?

Attached: tttt btfo.png (768x697, 98.16K)

No one has time to read all that dumb shit

read all that dumb shit or your mom will die in her sleep tonight

American I presume? Possibly nigger?

as soon as they assert that the "Y chromosome" has an inordinate effect on postnatal development, they expose themselves as dumbasses. most sexually dimorphic phenotypical features are dictated by the autosomes.

This conflates sex and gender, ignores the biological contributors to transness, and insists that taking cross-sex hormones is dangerous based on no evidence. Pretty stupid desu.

>le hormones are dangerous!!!!
She didn't present any evidence.

t. cancer patient

Prove that trannies who take estrogen have more cancer than cis women who have estrogen their whole lives.

>the body cannot handle it well in the long run

Evidence presented: 0

Why do people act like "cross sex" hormones are a thing? Both sexes have both sex hormones in their system. Ovaries produce testosterone. Testes produce estrogen. Not as much, obviously, but we're not a different fucking species. In no way is changing the ratio harmful to health. Heck, even if an orchi or hysterectomy are performed, and a person is living as a eunuch with like 5% normal hormone levels, they're still absolutely fine, evidenced by every pet cat or dog you ever met.

Yeah, I remeber seeing a study about how eunuchs didn't really have much fractures, as it would be expected, and the ones that did lived in places with very low sun exposure meaning they had very low vitamin D.
It's amazing how not having sex hormones is not as unhealthy as people think.

there’s not enough evidence to link long term hormonal replacement with cancer because it hasn’t been long enough to yield results. Women who take birth control or estrogen replacement all are at higher risk of breast cancer though, so you can probably expect to see that since it’s one of warnings from the treatment

Because they want it to be a black and white, this is male, this is female issue and don't realize that even among cis people, everyone has more of a mix of features because biology's messy like that and doesn't make two discrete categories that everyone completely and neatly falls into.


Isn't that a cumulative dose thing?

A shit ton of women get breast cancer, so trans women getting breast cancer will certainly happen because they have breast tissue. However, maybe having a greater chance (which is probably not so different) does not mean it should be withheld from trans women, because living with dysphoria is a life-long torture.

>there’s not enough evidence to link long term hormonal replacement with cancer because it hasn’t been long enough to yield results, since trannies are all mentally ill and die before 40 because of suicide

read or your mom dies tonight

being a rightoid doesnt make you immune to using buzzwords

This is bizarre. Shes saying this like I don't know that estrogen won't literally make me grow a vagina. Like yeah, I get it. Nobody says that it does. The only thing said that is meaningful is that hormones are inherently dangerous. But that's really not backed up from the science.

>there are people who want to change their gender, but they can't
>you remain XY or XX

the absolute cognitive dissonance, retardation and lack of self awareness needed to make these posts and turn this board into the retarded fever dream it is

I don't get where the idea trans people think we're literally going to be exact same thing as a cis person when we're done transitioning comes from, but a lot of people somehow have it.

>you remain xy and xx
hurr durr
those genes dont mean shit anymore, theyre inactive. and gender doesnt exist. cis people are far more delusional thinking that there is an actual gender you can define n shit, its just a biological difference to make you fucking breed it doesnt matter

The SRY gene [typically found] on the Y chromosome is what triggers said sexual dimorphism in the first place though. It absolutely does play a massive role in postnatal development.

The SRY gene only servers to create testis, the T producers. If you block your puberty, it won't matter.

I think it comes from the “trans women are women” mantra, and since they believe that only cis women are women, they automatically assume what’s being said is “trans women are cis women.”

You proved trannies existed without hormones. If they were actually trans you don’t need to either. You played yourself retard.

>conflating sex and gender
stopped reading here

It serves to determine whether you are of the sex that produces small gametes (ie male) or not. If you have an unmutated copy of the SRY gene you are indisputably male, whether you go through male puberty or not. Take a child who’s on puberty blockers off it and his/her natural puberty will take its course.