How did we let this happen?

How did we let this happen?

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Based ftm. Cissoids can mald

She's just like fatdoctoruk

Breaks my heart too, if only we put him on testosterone before he grew any tits. Mandatory blockers until 18 when?

george bush doesn't care about black people

i agree, we need better training programs and more oversight to produce more high-quality trans surgeons. no one who wants top surgery should have to risk scars like that, the latest and most cutting-edge techniques should be freely available to all who want them. and of course it should be publicly funded so that poor trans people don’t have to suffer this either.

he looks like a literal slasher victim but alright

nice halloween costume bro

>surgeon is so incompetent that they never even consider nipple grafts


You ask for that i think, some people don't want nipples.

>Publicly funded
>Oi your trans surgery is cutting into the cancer budget m8
Seriously why are trannies such cucks? Is getting a job at Starbucks or Amazon or in a blue state so hard that you'd prefer getting abused by shitty socialized medical systems that blatantly hate trans people? It's pathetic

Zipper tits lol

human bodies are mere meat vessels.

you can create a government health system that doesn’t discriminate against trannies, just like in the us some states force health insurance companies not to discriminate against trannies. neither system is inherently trans-friendly or transphobic.
i got my surgeries paid for via private insurance, but not everyone has access to that and i have - get this - empathy for other people.

>Still doing same stupid fucking woman duckface selfie shit
How could ai possibly know they're trenders

>all that time and money spent on surgery to still look like a woman

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Cis people will ALWAYS deprioritize trans healthcare in a publicly funded system. You will NEVER be seen as important as diabetics, cancer patients, old people etc.

Seriously, fuck off with the "real socialized trans healthcare has never been tried" cope

My scars are beautiful. My genital scars frame my dick beautifully and when I get top surgery it'll frame my amazing chest and what I had to go through to get it. And then they'll be amazing canvasses for tattoos.
As a more serious answer, why are you degrading a surgery based on how brutal it is? Double lung transplants for example have worse scars. What matters isn't how it looks but how it improves your life.

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Lmao do atheists really

Wonder where all the doctors speaking up about circumcision are.
At least people choose mastectomy

Is it weird to anyone else that mtfs meticulously pick out their surgeons and ftms will just go to whomever is close or covered by insurance?

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never because cis people have no souls

Visible tits are a hard to pass with, and if it doesn't look great at least it isn't your face

>this breaks my doctor heart

GOOD. I'm not even trans but if my daughter wanted her tits lopped off, I'd let her. Even if I figured she'd regret the whole trans gig. Breast cancer runs in my family, I lost three very important women role models to it. Better to prevent the problem before it has a chance to start, right?

>>Oi your trans surgery is cutting into the cancer budget m8
>we barely canna pay the alleyway cancer removal wit the 2 dollas total funding the gubberment gabe publik helthcore, now yee wantin dickie explosin' surgery? oy vey dassa gon cost us 3 whole dollas for the dynamiite not to menshion the 30000 dollah cost for rentin a hospital room for likes 10 minutes

They got rid of boobs :'C


Top surgery isn't as aggressive as a mastectomy for preventing breast cancer, poons can still get it post top

Zippertits in 5 years

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Is this malebrained because of the fragile masculinity or fembrained due to the emotional argument post poor decision making

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Does it lower the risk though? As in making it as likely to get it as men?

Would be interesting to find this information out

They have a tattoo i assume they're 18. But yeah people cry about the poor little girl booba tomboy so much its creepy af

Couldn't find any studies on it when I went looking, that was a few years ago though

Very hot user

Who are you virtue signalling to, because I certainly don't give a shit about what you do with your non-existent children, that's not my business

Go the fuck back

Everyone screams about that particular image with the assumption that those two afabs are underage because of how young they look, so same difference

I care about their opinion more than yours, tripnigger