/gaygen/ typical mediterranean female edition



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futuristic garb

Sneed 'em and feed 'em

yes the globo-muumuu dress allows me to piss and shit myself more efficiently lololol
It has pockets too to store ze bug snacks!


>be a nice human

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hate it when the top can't stay hard, and you brought viagra pills but can't bring it out because it might hurt his feelings. I'm just a problem solver.

lol yeah idgi either, the shirt-or whatever it’s supposed to be- was a gift. I don’t mind it tho

people like you more if you are kind


as a young kid i use to always wear shirts too big for me to sleep in, sometimes i wouldn't wear underwear either uwu

yee tru

They'd probably be happier fucking you to be fair

Roger: Punch it! ( tires squealing ) Smart throwing him those drսgs. Actually they were Tic Tacs. ( chuckles ) Smarter. Um, Stan, Andy Dick's running after us. What? I'm going 55. He's catching up to us. ( panting ) Faster, Stan. He's gonna get us. Why didn't you give him real drսgs? You fool! You've killed us both! ( gun cocking ) Oh, no, he's... passing us? ( panting ) ( gunshots ) Oh, yeah, he's robbing a pharmacy. We're okay. We're gonna be okay.

reminds of a simpler time when i went to three different pharmacies to get pure DXM, without ibuprofen and chugging three bottles and then threw up at home

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I miss when you were dead also damn what decomposition does to a muthafucka

>what 0 pussy does to a mf meme
this is all actually a result of entirely too much pussy. the estrogen was absorbed through the dickskin causing feminizing effects.
why you think Mike Tyson never had sex before his fights?

“Romanticise studying” why are productivity tiktokkers like this? Can they just shut up


How bad of a fuck up is not getting it up the first time

then you better watch out then we wouldn't want you to absorb any estrogen from fucking that big pussy known as skunk do we

Are you a top? It so it’s pretty bad and the bottom is probably really offended and feels ugly even if he acts like there’s no issue. If you’re a bottom it’s ok

this is not as clever or as funny as you think it is

I purposely offend bottoms and make them feel ugly.

me? im a legal dispute for OF for ventilation systems called OnlyFans

like the beatles, my god, they did never let go of apple trademark for 40 years and still ongoing

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good thing i am a gigachad top

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Good Morning Gay Gen, what did you had for breakfast? I'm planning to have eggs with rice and hotdogs.

Yeah top, I drank to much water and my dick hurt I thought it'd be fine if he finished a few times. I hope he gives me another chance feels bad man

Post dick

what would happen is i would be absorbing massive amounts of skunks testosterone through my colon, thus derailing my transition.
don’t get me wrong, I do miss the brutal ass poundings he would dish out on me, but it’s for the best that I abstain from any sex rn.

hes from here theres a not zero chance I get my dick recognized