I’m a cis guy and I want a normal trans gf. All of the trans girls I’ve talked to are insane...

I’m a cis guy and I want a normal trans gf. All of the trans girls I’ve talked to are insane, wanting their cock permanently locked in a cage or want to be stepped on or whatever the fuck. I just want a cute normal trans girl to cuddle and kiss and compliment. How do I get a normal trans gf?

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Pick one, see

They don't exist. All insane
t. chaser

where do you live? Are you taller than 6ft? What ethnicity.

you don't grow up trans in this society and have the privilege of developing a 'normal' sexuality. sorry. the sanest among us still want to be choked and have our partners piss down our throats.

same lmfao, im a semi normal chaser, white, 6'3, but idk how to talk to women at all so when i get to know someone i autism it all up

New York, yes, white

>I just want a cute normal trans girl to cuddle and kiss and compliment.
Same way you find a cis version of the same thing: lie to yourself that they aren't completely fucked in the head.

The only trans girls that aren’t submissive af are tops, there’s no in between.

>new york
i live in Cali, its over

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it’s over. sane trannies are built for latino cock

If you’re cute and normal I could make my way to cali, I travel often since I work from home

>New York
lol Schlomo you will never be white
White Jew Yorker is an oxymoron

I'm an androphilic tranny top, and what you described is the reason why I'm extremely reluctant to explore t4t. I have no idea why most other trannies don't try to fix their mental issues, but instead revel in that shit or even try to escalate it further. Like, wtf? It's tough.
If I were you I wouldn't go out of my way to look for a trans partner specifically, just focus on your life, look for a good partner in general, and if she so happens to be trans, cool, if not, oh well, it wasn't meant to be.

Why don’t you just date me user, you seem nice and normal

If you’re androphilic why would you even want to explore t4t?

Firstly, I have no idea who you are. You don't know me either. You sound desperate which isn't a good look. Secondly, I live on the opposite side of the globe from practically everyone on this board.

NTA. Which part of the globe? Colour me curious.

>taking a guy that said “date me user” on /tttt/ seriously

this is why you’re stuck with the crazy trannies OP, normal trannies don’t have the same brain worms/shitty internet humor as you.

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not true. im latina and iwould date him over a latino lmfao

I am not good enough for you im actually an autistic 6ft tall tranny thats why i asked how tall you are lol. Hope you can find someone tho!!

Curiosity. After I transitioned I started finding twinkhons intriguing. I think it's just my gay lizard brain doing its gay lizardy things, like, you know how gay men often date other gay men who look a lot like them at least in terms of physique. And so did I pre-transition, I liked fit guys, I was fit as well. I think now that I transitioned I also got interested in people who have bodies that are similar to my current body.
I'm that certain Slavoid hon who resides in a certain South East Asian country.