Franciscan travelers in the 1650s noted the presence of "men and boys who dress like women" roaming the streets of...

>Franciscan travelers in the 1650s noted the presence of "men and boys who dress like women" roaming the streets of Thatta, in modern Pakistan. The presence of these individuals was taken to be a sign of the city's depravity.
>Beginning in the 1850s with the British Raj, colonial authorities deployed various strategies to eradicate hijras, whom they saw as "a breach of public decency." The British viewed hijras as incapable of "moral transformation" and assimilation and therefore subjected them to eliminatory policies.
Shit like this makes me think colonization was a mistake even though I am generally of the opinion that it civilized the third world

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>I only think social issue X is bad now because one of the side effects was bad for an identity i now and I didn't realize it

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Western imperialism has destroyed all cultures on this planet.

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I think it's because anglos unironically only survived by picking out the different and weak among themselves and those around them during times of famine and disease and enforced it even further with religious persecution for a combination of selective forces, oppressing the other is literally in white colonial blood

Trans girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan are male child prostitutes, as they were in 1650. They are from the poorest backgrounds, and turned to prostitution as a last resort. Backwards Islamic practices in these countries prohibit female prostitution, but largely turn a blind eye to male child prostitution.
These aren't legitimate trans people just living their best life.

Literal idiots.

>From being "servants for elite households, manual laborers, military commanders, political advisors, and guardians of the harem" to being prosecuted "simply for existing"

somebody need a safe space?

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Pakistan was half hindu in 1650s and hijras existed in India too

>white people bad 400 years ago
go back then, oh but you won't

so if I understand correctly, the moment you learned about the actual sociological effects of colonialism you stop supporting it?

low iq analysis

Those cultures never progress
The only trans people in India today are prostitutes, or former prostitutes. They're literally not allowed to do anything else for work.

Some hijras were trannies
Some were enunchs
Some were intersex
It's just an umbrella term

The only people who ramble about "white colonialism" from 400 years ago are
>jews who support the current colonization of Palestine
>dumb poc
which one user? let's hear it.

Indian subcontinent only got independence 70 years ago...and when anglos fucked off the subcontinent had literacy rates lower than 10%, high malnutrition and hunger and poverty with barely any industry or capital. In those 200 years from 1750s to 1950s the west developed a lot but these colonized had no way to develop even if they wanted to

retards in this thread supporting colonialism lmao

The spaniards fed transgender natives to packs of wild dogs in the Americas

That's cause they had anti-hijra laws until recently and 250 years of British brainwashing completely changed their culture and they are still stuck in a sort of victorian era mentality.

>Muh intersex, muh eunuchs
Don't forget the 1% outlier that proves they're not all sex slaves!

What do you expect from white people and jews

India should've been nuked and that entire street shitter race exterminated to the last man woman and child
t. not anglo

The least genocial whitie

Overpopulated countries are generally poor. Indian culture did not adapt to 20th century changes like China did. China was also a colony of sorts at one time of the British. You have to have a scapegoat for why India never progressed, and that scapegoat is the white man of course of course. Meanwhile you seek to emulate the white man, and move to one of the comfy countries he created. It's all so predictable user.

>white people made me retarded!!!!1
Chinese century innit.

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Wtf are you going on about? That's completely irrelevant. You were not only justifying colonialism as something good but think it ended 400 years ago.

I'm black and I obviously hate white people shenanigans

china developed because of communism

>China was also a colony of sorts at one time of the British.
Only a tiny part of china and China only started to develop 3 decades ago when it partially liberalized their economy for the western capital to exploit their cheap labor. They made sure it's a give and take relationship and not pure one sided relationship instead of blindly following the neoliberal agenda set by the washington consensus like other third world countries trapped by imf.

Your situation as an anti-white racist is even more absurd then. Where in Africa can you live like you do in the USA? Tell me.

Laff out loud
>Who was Deng???
Oh dang user.