ITT: Any Forums friends to lovers

ITT: Any Forums friends to lovers

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love this story. they're both so fortunate to have each other

shes so cute!

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Their positions are swapped in b&a

A trans furry who's hot and passing is a literal miracle

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he kinda looks like adam from mythbusters in the first picture

two fat nerds into chad/hon power couple?
that's true love right there

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Are you face blind, user? No they are not swapped.

How is that a question? Faceblindness is super common in autists.

I should have assumed. Just love how they said it so confidently without even trying to verify. The internet is amazing.

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Glasses really let himself go.

cute af

Dude is hot. And they look happy. Nice.

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Here's one of the cutest ones I've found.

Attached: Friends to Lovers.webm (592x1050, 1.78M)

i was expecting one of them to troon out, but thats very cute nonetheless

she made the costume
she's 5'2"


damn. I’m gonna die alone

Who did her ffs

Dr. Toby Mayer.

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Ty fren

No problem

They are not lovers. This is an old Reddit post and she just met up with her long term friend from high school-college.
He has a wife.

Not a picture

Just a short story

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