I just want to love

And be loved.

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Same. And to be a catboy.

haha I feel you hahaaaahaha

detransition off hrt and live as a gay man

explain, in detail, how this will help

I'm unworthy of love

t. repressing old gay

People who say this reject everyone who likes them.

i love u anyon

whats stopping you op? even ugly hons get bfs

It won't, the grass isn't much greener on this side
t. gay man

but what if I'm a guy that wants to be the bf

just wait until ur 30 and financially stable then get whatever tranner gf u want

Love is t real
Anyone who says otherwise is a horny teen or some romance novel author looking to sell his book
Just have sex on hook up apps till
Your lust subsides

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but I am 30 and financially stable

unless you're happy byyourself you won't be happy with a partner

Damn user you sure are miserable for someone who still has all their organs functioning properly except for maybe dick, and hasn't been diagnosed with cancer.

When I off myself later this year I'm gonna think "damn glad I'm not that one user who just wants to be loved"

sounds like you just suck at socializing or havent put urself out there willingly long enough yet

sort of and yes lol

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Suicide it is, then

I was diagnosed with a low-grade lymphoma last year that will likely eventually kill me. That I'll never experience love before I die is one of my greater regrets.

why don't you just become superhuman like in those articles i read about death anxiety?
for real though, you're going to die user, you should take many, many risks.
do you have anyone to talk to?

Strangely, I'm still very risk averse. All my old anxieties have been magnified rather than attenuated by the diagnosis.

I have a close friend who knows. But she lives on another continent, so I feel very distant from her (emotionally, I mean). Otherwise, I have no one who would care