Be me 18y/o hrt for 2 years

>be me 18y/o hrt for 2 years
>get bf a few years older than me
>move in with him after school ended
>finally happy for once
>soon he stops helping me around the apartment
>he used to cook half the time or bring home food but he doesn't anymore
>doesn't help me clean the dishes together anymore
>pretty much everything he did he stopped
>comes home from work and barely acknowledges me except grabbing my ass when he's horny just goes and gets on his computer until i have dinner ready
>starts coming home later and later clearly drunk half the time
>way more physical and aggressive
>kinda like it at first but it got old really quickly
>tells me he's watching this guy called Andrew tate
>just know him as some pyramid scheme dude
>we even start watching things together less, fall behind on things we'd been watching since we got together
>one day after coming home late he tells me to sit down
>tells me that he cheated on me
>he "got drunk and missed having a cis girl's pussy to fuck"
>tells me he didn't care about her
>start crying and calling him names
>insists she didn't mean anything but that im free to go if i want
>grab my shit
>stay at friends place for a couple days
>he's been texting me telling me that it wasn't true he got it from andrew tate
>he's some pick up artist dude
>don't know if i should believe him or go back or not
>i was so happy with him until all of this

what do i fuckign do i jsut want things to go back to the way they were what ehte fuck

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ur bf sounds like a dick whos unrecognizable from his former self. the missing cis pussy comment would be the point of no return for me. do you have a job and money and a way to live on your own separate from him?

dump him, don't go back.
you deserve better

If he's dumb enough to fall for something like this then he's beyond saving. I'm sorry user but your former bf is dead and nothing's gonna change that.

You moved in and you didn't have a plan b or anything to fall back on in case shit hit the fan?

How can literally anybody like Andrew Tate, he is a sex trafficker and creep. Fucking hate him. I’m so sorry this happened, don’t go back, he doesn’t deserve you

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I know it's probably gonna be hard, but you need to dumb that faggot. He's been gradually treating you like you're worthless more and more and is outright disrespecting you and drank the kool aid of being a retarded misogynist incel. There's no saving him, you're better off not in that relationship anymore.

Your gender identity is just you being a pervert, and not having the ability to control your sexual urges. Your "boyfriend" - its just a faggot spreading aids and moneypox just like you.

Not a sex-trafficker you fucking moron.

Dump it

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>the missing cis pussy comment would be the point of no return for me
that part really hurt
>do you have a job and money and a way to live on your own separate from him?
im gonna be moving into my dorm next week, im still a student, id planned to stay there for the week and stay at his place on weekends, but he kept trying to convince me i didn't need school because he makes enough money but my friends all basically yelled at me not to listen and im happy i didn't i guess
i still love him so fucking much i really want things to go back to how they were but everyone in my life is screaming at me to leave him i cant even talk about him to the friend im staying with because she gets so frustrated about it
i know they're probably right but it hurts fucking much i really didn't want this

Your boyfriend is just asserting himself to show he is a man. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you
What color is your Bugatti

>I really want things to go back
I get that nonny I really do. But he put a internet scammer above you, neglected you and emotionally abused you. At some point you just have to realize it's over, I'm sure there's someone else out there for you.

If this is real he is only texting you back because he lost his supply of free food, cleaning, and attention. Even if he didn't cheat ( he most likely did ) then he's still not an ideal partner because he decides to do dumb mind games with you just because someone told him to.

He is a different person now. He isn't the guy you fell in love with.
You can find someone else.

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Your brain on youtube smegma male hustlers

What color is your Bugatti

>Andrew Tater trolls a million retarded grindsetter alpha males into torpedoing their relationships for absolutely no reason
Gotta respect the guy

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break him mentally and move out, you should see your own world burn.

Having a sigma grindset means everyone in your social circle is disposable. Ngmi

>be me 18y/o hrt for 2 years

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>no hrt
have I seen you somewhere before?

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Cars are the biggest mistake of the 20th century, I take public transit, walk or cycle.
A Bugatti is an insult to me, not something desirable.