Only black trans women get murde--

Only black trans women get murde--

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in vermont of all places? what the fuck

The cis strike back


Yes and the mainstream news stories misgendered her

ppl really are psychos man
for no reason basically
>12 people
sounds spooky. i hope the news crew gets stabbed instead

The article mentions 57 were killed in 2021, the 12 killed is just from January 2022 to April 2022

just proves once again trannies need to carry guns
no one can protect us but ourselves, if even in vermont (one of the safest us states) trannies get murdered

>Feather, who previously went by the name Zachary Barbeau...
why is this information even included it is in no way relevant

That’s honestly horrifying

:( i hope she’s at peace now

all trans girls should be armed, even if you’re a peaceful person you WILL be targeted for violence by some retarded bigot who just wants to hate crime you eventually and you should know how to protect yourself


casually dropping the deadname is something the media loves to do for some reason for some reason, i don’t get it either

Well, they have to let all the people who she's estranged from know that she's dead. How else are her parents going to find out?

>the guy arrested looks like a 40 year old meth head
>she had gotten in to his car
damn there really was no way to prevent this

Do you not ever get into someone's car or what?

Ok, but what was she wearing?

you probably shouldn't if you're a tranny and visible as one

A penis

I'm proud of my trans gf who is currently taking gun classes so she can arm herself. Such a good girl.

should have left that at home before she went out, baka

>if you're trans and have sex with someone, it's your fault if you get killed

Attached: Andrea-Dworkin.jpg (800x450, 46.72K)

That's the social contract. Our partners are like female praying manti

>Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.' (Leviticus 18:22). That means simply that it is foul to do to other men what men habitually, proudly, manfully do to women: use them as inanimate, empty, concave things; fuck them into submission; subordinate them through sex.

Dworkins original definition of intercourse doesn't include trannies, which is a shame, because men definitely apply the underlying beliefs to us and so stronger than with cis women, as we "chose" this. This gives them, in their mind, permission to be even more violent and is what ends up killing trannies

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