Why do girls wear these... they offer like a quarter inch more coverage than just underwear

why do girls wear these... they offer like a quarter inch more coverage than just underwear

Attached: 57ece3f3-95dd-4d16-a479-e7fff245d786.15218f48c4e8b91e260e106218833543.jpg (612x612, 29.53K)

1. Why are you saying girls when the person in that photo is a grown woman? Stop infantilizing women.
2. Have you ever seen panties, which most women wear? They provide way less coverage than that.

they're comfy and cute

Why do MtFs complain about not having "good" clothing and then bring up something like skirts? Just wear shorts. It's literally like skirt but doesn't get tangled.

women call each other girls all the time
shorts show off bulge

Shut up ya transentual bitch

no i am unfamiliar with the concept of "panties", sounds pretty infantilizing though

you answered your own question

why not just wear underwear

just wear pants retar

But then I can't show my legs.

give it a few years for feminists to make it socially permissible

why are you so upset?

Trannys look hot in these I'd love to nut onto tranny thighs in these

its already permissible to wear leggings as pants and you can see right through those

what about slapping your cock against theirs through the shorts?

>Why are you saying girls when the person in that photo is a grown woman?
Because women never mature past age sixteen. Any more questions?

>they offer like a quarter inch more coverage than just underwear
That's the point.
>t. Cis bi guy who wants to pull off dolphin shorts

cause it’s comfy and looks cute
>t. athleisure mtf

I'm sick of people (usually men and trannies, coincidentally) infantilizing me. I'm a grown woman. Not a girl.

Well I haven't seen a woman that acts mature. For an example if my dad acted like mom we all would been very worried and sent him to a shrink already. But because my mom is a woman everyone just takes it for granted that she can ask stupid questions, say stupid things, make stupid choices and be incompetent at everything she does.

News flash numb nuts, women are whores whose only worth is their body to be used for sex.