I'm having trouble figuring this out

I'm having trouble figuring this out.
I lived as a guy for most of my life, but puberty didn't work quite as expected. I grew slight coarse hair on my face, but not enough for a full anything so I shaved it off. No body hair, no adam's apple, but I grew breasts. Voice is androgynous and penis length is just the head flaccid, 2.5-3.5 stretched (not erect). Apparently my prostate is small.

Is this intersex?

Attached: 5es6l9.jpg (502x497, 54.18K)

do you have a sense of smell? honest question

Yeah I do. Why?

It could be an intersex condition, or maybe your drinking water was spiked with birth control
Some breast growth in boys is plausible, for a couple years in my early teens I had small breasts naturally. Just depends on chance pretty much
If you have no body hair, that probably is a sign of something. I wouldn't get too concerned about the other stuff though

there's a condition called kallman syndrome that causes imcomplete or lack of puberty along with a lack of a sense of smell. if you have your sense of smell you don't have that though

Ah, I see, I see. I think I can still smell, not that great but I can.
is it not micropenis? and I see. What should I do to find out if im intersex?

Penis size can vary incredibly in adults. Flaccid penis size moreso, so I cannot diagnose a micropenis.
Go to a doctor and mention that you are concerned you have low T levels, get a test, then consider your options based on that info

thanks. I already went ahead with feminine hrt though so results are kinda…

So, wouldn't you already have done blood tests? The time to ask was then, not now.
I guess you could assume your hormone levels were fucked up beforehand (mine kinda were desu), it just doesn't lead to much
For the record, I also have never been able to grow a ton of body or facial hair, but my dick is above average. There's a good amount of randomness involved

how's that going?

I didn’t know it was a thing at the time.
And hmm, I see. Hormones messed up. wonder if its partial androgen insensitivtiyy.
It’s ok. I’m just regular living now. reared female ever since

i'm guessing you pass pretty well? lucky girl

couldnt pass male if i tried.
my body shape is pretty much a box tho so i dont feel adequate either gender

be my gf

ok sure

>wonder if its partial androgen insensitivtiyy.
Sounds like it. I have most of what you described in the OP, minus the breasts and voice. When I had my first round of blood work before even starting HRT I had abnormally high testosterone and estrone levels (something in the range of 1000ng/dL for the former and over 2000pg/L for the latter).

Either way, it's worked out to your benefit. Go forth and be a passoid, I guess.

Oh huh. Really. Well, thanks. I’ll try to talk to my endocrinologist about it.

this is literally describing me wtf
only difference is i dunno abt my prostate and didn't get any coarse facial hair at all,, just a few dark ones that i pluck from my chin or upper lip sometimes. hrt gave me body hair though bc they didn't give me anti-androgens when i started :^((((((

i don't think i have any intersex conditions but i hadn't ever heard of anyone else with the same stuff until now omg

Attached: (what) my shirt says.png (463x453, 340.53K)

Not op but what if I have an extremely weak sense of smell?

sounds like it
kleinfelters maybe

Yeah I'm still figuring it out.
I'll look into it. Wonder if I should shell out for a karyotype test.