Japan literally has no commonly used term for transgender...

Japan literally has no commonly used term for transgender. They don't even have seperate words for gender and sex in their language. The concept of a man turning into a women is alien to them. Instead they have third gender categories like xgender, newhalf, otokonoko for people to transition to. Trannies can never be actual women in Japan.

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who tf cares about japan? we just want to jerk off to anime girls


This is literally the case for quite a lot of non-Western pre-colonial conceptions of gender in many societies though.

So just like any other Asian country then

this literally isn't true and if you knew anything about japan other than porn and anime you'd be aware of how retarded you are

ridiculous, where would you get that idea

Attached: 1610327454747.png (989x58, 28.09K)

Toransujenda is just a Japanese way of pronouncing transgender and no one uses that in spoken Japanese

>no separate words for sex and gender

Sounds like a dream. Fuck that shit.


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lmao you think trans people as a collective don't exist in Japan? they have, like any developed country, a sizable LGBT movement whose view aligns with that of any western country

it's stupid and ignorant to act as if the Japanese just couldn't think of gender the same way we do

people do use it in everyday life lol
also from 2020-today on yomiuri shinbun alone i've found 16 articles that explicitly discuss trans people using the term 性別同一性障害, or gender identity disorder
this idea that japan is some pristine nation where queer people don't exist and trans people aren't even linguistically possible is just an orientalist fantasy dreamt up by porn addicted right wingers who know absolutely nothing about the country

Attached: 読売新聞からの性別同一性障害.png (798x956, 126.79K)

Bury Pink as a FTM. I cry.

Attached: download.png (228x221, 15.82K)



also fwiw yomiuri is usually pretty right leaning, and even they cover trans topics in a relatively balanced manner most of the time
they're just the only newspaper i regularly read so they're the only one i thought to search

Straight up wrong. One of the most popular modern novels in Japanese was about some guy with a tranny mom.

Attached: 61kiGe7H6RL.jpg (1400x2277, 111.54K)

That's a medical term people rarely use in spoken Japanese
You're just retarded
16 is pretty low anyway
I know Japanese and I've been to Japan. You can't fool me.

>this term is uncommon
>the number of usages in newspaper is too low!! trans people in japan don't exist!!
you buffoon
the most common term anyways is トランズジェンダー
ニューハーフ is mainly for porn i think
idk how you could speak japanese and somehow miss all of this stuff, lgbt issues are pretty frequently discussed
do you only talk to boomers or something? even lots of the older people i know have some understanding of lgbt issues
i highly doubt you've been to japan or speak japanese, at least probably haven't been there since the 80s or something lol

Read it in Jap. She’s described as beautiful as an angel, the protagonist said she has never met someone so gentle and beautiful.
If I remember correctly she works in a bar probably a stripper/prostitute. She’s killed by a client obsessed by her

Japanese women tend to be nice to troons online. Usually saying stuff ‘you are so elegant’ ‘your movements are so beautiful’ and ‘you are more woman like than me’

And there are words like motodanshi moto onnanoko etc.. They don’t use gender and sex much, usually they say stuff like 心 (mind spirit is etc..) is female but 体 (body) is male etc

i have a few trans friends in japan, mainly natives but also some foreigners
it's not as big of a social issue over there, and typically (as long as u pass) people just accept you for who you are is my understanding
obviously though there's some interfamilial strife sometimes, especially when coming out
i worry a bit though that things will get worse because they're getting worse in america and britain, and i feel like i've seen more posts complaining about ポリコレ on other imageboards recently, but just like how Any Forums isn't really representative of the average american / european, imageboards over there aren't really representative of the average person's opinion either

I don’t know how much it means, but I think the Japanese audience reacted very well to the movie “knit”. Anyway just read through the thread and the user you were responding too is 100% talking out of his ass lol
He’s probably that type of 末期 weeb that shits on Koreans to get Japanese people simpathy
Hopefully your friends are going to be alright:) it is a safe country for now at least as far violent crimes go


i've thought about maybe moving there long term if a few things change
i wanna get out of america and it's a safe country where i speak the language and also my religion wouldn't be so tiny
i don't really keep up with modern pop culture in japan desu, i've absolutely been taken in by 還流 like every other zoomer, but i'm a big fan of 19th and 20th century japanese literature and stuff
it's just my academic field isn't super popular in japan, so finding a tenure track position would be tough
but i think inshallah i can do it anywhere, i'll be getting my phd from one of the top schools worldwide and i'm trying to set myself up rn to have a successful career
gay marriage not being legal yet is an issue but that'll probably change within a couple years imo