Why are all mtfs alcoholics? is it fembrained or malebrained to be an alcoholic?

why are all mtfs alcoholics? is it fembrained or malebrained to be an alcoholic?

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It’s the only way to cope with seeing their reflections in the mirror

fembrained to abuse substances
male brained to be an alcoholic

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i dont drink alcohol

i can get behind this, i see abusing substances more than alcohol as a fembrained mannerism

what if i’m both

I don’t drink cause I don’t like the taste

have a dysphoria induced breakdown

I drink like once a month I mostly just smoke weed

I don't drink or do drugs. I'm only on child doses for some anti-depressants and that's only because I suffered a lot of trauma surrounding my mother's passing. Unfortunately I do eat too much, that's the big one I have.

they confuse drinking alcohol sometimes or occasionally binge drinking with alcoholism.
actual alcoholism is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen.

dry alcoholic trooner here

then that means ur gay

dw it’s coming i already bleached my hair today
i’m literally a t4t chaser so yeah

androbrained but women are more likely to drink beer and stuff and men go for most % efficient drinks like vodka

the taste of alcahol disgusts me so much tho
i had a martini for the first time recently an espresso one and its the first time i ever liked alcahol
this is fembrained right?
the only other way i can drink is if i do shots and just get the taste out of the way and then i always go way too far and black out
i cant figure out drinking

what substances are fembrained?

exact opposite way round
only men drink beer vodka is fem / slav brained

Depends, wine is fembrained, beer is malebrained

i'm not an alcohilic i just know how to have a good time

I don’t know but I love fucking a blacked out tranny til I cum up her ass.

Met one on Grindr. Was crying and depressed. When she was stumbling I slam some meth and pounced on her.