Thought I was just meta attracted

>thought I was just meta attracted
>dates with guys have really natural flirting, chemistry, and romance, flows great
>dates with women (trans and cis) feel weird and out of place, never spark on any level more than just friends
It's truly over for me, isn't it? I wanted to be gay so bad.

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It's not over, I think you should keep giving both a try until you find someone that does it just right for you. I dated men for like a decade and I enjoyed it, but I could never find someone to stick around. I felt like men always avoided commitment to me because of me being trans. I've been with a woman for 7 years now and it's been really good. I miss some of the chemistry I had with men because I felt like they understood me better and always made me feel very feminine by proxy. But being with a woman has done wonders for my sex life and my personal life.

It’s over user give in. It’s time to frot with daddy

No penis lol
That's hopium honestly. I just feel like I'm running out of time to find my partner for life since I'm 29 though

Dating men there is just a completely different dynamic, but it's a very natural one, the dynamic between a man and a woman.
It's far more playful and everyone is in the role that they enjoy.

Natural is just the best way to describe it.
All sorts of goofy feelings well up inside of you, it's so much more electric.
Dating trannies and woman as a tranny in comparison feels stifled and unnatural, and is really missing a lot of the spark and of a male and female dynamic.

It's hard not to think most trannies wouldn't be happier with a good man.

God I hope this ends up being me. I wanna be a straight girl.

Out of curiosity user why do u want to be a transbian?

meta attraction is not real, women simply use men as a crutch for loneliness and can't really feel any love or empathy, that has been my experience with any women, cis or trans

Yes daddy~ let me lay down on top and smoosh my girl dick into your cock and tummy.
Please ignore my huge bush tickling you, and obscuring the view of the friction going on down there >.

How the heck do your just not know if your straight or gay?

desu i much more enjoy dating women than men. With men there is always a man (strong, masculine, provides security) and a woman (cute, soft, emotional) dynamic which I kinda cant stand.
I generally prefer being with some the same as me, where we are both emotionally vulnerable but also strong for each other.

I know men can be vulnerable and cute too, but men suck and girls are hot so fuck you

>also im not afraid to get raped

I understand. It starts getting really stressful in the late 20s, early 30s. My 30s has been a lot harder than I imagined because I feel like my life isn't able to travel the same path as the cis straight people I know and it depresses me. I'm 34 and I think I found my life partner in my gf, but we recovered from a pretty bad break up so I don't know how that will play out long term. 29 is still a good amount of time to find someone. There are many early 30s men who are lost and looking for someone to settle down with.

what? But men can be cute too? What? Raped? What? Fucking kek at the mentally ill

>men suck and girls are hot so fuck you
Why would you go through the effort of making an argument just to shoot yourself in the foot at the end?

because i am based and you are onions

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>Out of curiosity user why do u want to be a transbian?
More intimacy and similarity with my partner.

Hm I suppose that makes sense.

I'm attracted to both men and trannies, but I hope I'll find a nice guy and the dirty transbian thoughts will go away. I wanna be a straight girl.

It never works for me because i am not autistic. Literally always end up being really different because of it, and basically become a surrogate mommy for my little fruit cake.

I meant with cis women. I don't have the autism necessary to date 99% of mtfs

Trannies have nothing in common with cis women tho so yeah that ain't gonna work either.

>Trannies have nothing in common with cis women
Maybe you, lol

Most trannies who think they're fembrained are delusional autists tho.

I understand and i know the feeling...
But Like do you fuck them?
Also are men really that lacking in intimacy?
Sorry for being nosey...