Typical youtube tranny. Typical

typical youtube tranny. Typical.
Why don't you look like this?

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money and youth

She's been a queen since she was 12 years old most of the trannies on this board don't even know what a queen is.

if it was the 1970s these two would be best friends tearing up new york

It has nothing to do with it. Most queens are from the lower class, often minorities. They instinctively pursue being women.

oh shit is that johnluu what her name now?

>money and youth has nothing to do with it.

Fuck off. You are way to deluded kid.

the NY trans scene was hsts exclusively. AGP weren't even out back then.

Not at all in the seventies all there was in the bars was queens you don't know because you weren't around in the seventies. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about because you're talking about shit you don't know because you didn't even exist then. Queens hated Kai Kai girls and masculine looking crossdressers

I loved her when she was a little twink you know wis

I somehow know what it's like to be a queen in the tenderloin and hanging out and Jackie D's or the Roadrunner, the Windjammer, somehow I know about these things like I've been there yesterday and you don't know shit about anything.

Cause I'm tall and fat and I have sex with women and men so I can't look like that. That look is exclusively for trans girls who only like men. I wish I looked like her though, but that's some serious dedication and effort that I don't have.

At least you know something the New York scene was no different than the San Francisco scene or the Hollywood scene it was all hsts gay identified queens who hustled money.
We were the ones that invented the concept of shemale

Agps are middle class boys that try to act heterosexual as teenagers and do what mommy and daddy says

yeah i used to watch her youtube when i was younger.
i found her insta she looks great now absolutely mogs blair white into the ground she should be the face of hsts on the board. Didn't recognise her at first with the new nose

lol ok kid. You enjoy that life without money thing.

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two hons standing in front of the ‘queen’s liberation front’ banner

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three hons out on the town in 1970s nyc

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uh oh another agp hon at a nyc ball in 1971

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3 more. i actually couldnt find a single picture of an hsts no hrt permapasser

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It's the only way to get good tits by the time you're 14 years old. You miss that window you're never going to have anything but little cone kits because you started changing your body when you were 20 years old that's too late you blew it
( man for life)

No one called anyone hons then. That's your adolescent boy mentally

All I did was say out loud what you kept saying quietly. anyways youre probably ugly

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You're really preaching to the wrong choir here. This place (like Reddit, ironically enough) is an AGP den. Most of these people were straight guys before deciding they wanted to be women, they have no knowledge of gay life and culture, so they think "money lol" is all there is to passing.

You're looking up gay men who are interested in drag not steeet queens look like the first picture.
There was a lot less awareness about being Trans in those days and most drag queens are not trans.

It's this Bianca? I'm curious... Anyway you're right, and it's so annoying that these suburban boys aren't our allies, and want to push us out of the way. Hsts were the ones risking their lives to be out in the 1970s, all the way up until Bruce Kardashian made it ok to be trans. All I hear on this board is mean harsh attitudes towards hsts women. It's jealousy!


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these hoes are all looking manly, very manly. these are the people you want to be like and try to make better than the typical agp hon

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>Agps are middle class boys that try to act heterosexual as teenagers and do what mommy and daddy says
accurate lol

what should a self aware agp do though is the question

I know they amuse me because they're kids. I have an adolescent masculine mentality about women; it's obvious with all the pictures of women with a large buttocks and large breasts it's the same thing you'd find on a Playboy site in the 1980s.
If it was really Queen site with everybody in HSTS it would bore me because that's yesterday's news to me.
When I came out as a queen in the seventies there was not a single hormone pickled out girl that wasn't hooking. I'm sure there was another social class circle. Since I came from poverty that's all I ever saw was street queens that were hustling for money. Those were some of the first female hormones taking people I've ever known.

I was so past exchange by the time Bruce came along I just laughed at him because I knew he was just a straight guy that had a sex fetish. He was never a real queen that's why I call him he because he wasn't like a female.
I know who you're talking about Bianca but I'm older than her by thirty years. Bianca came from the streets too

I have no idea because I don't have a clue what it feels like to be AGP or how you get to me agency. In the seventies I used to dominatrix sessions with guys that like to crossdress and be made to walk with me around the block and they would pay me quite a bit of money for just that privilege of being able to crossdress and be made to walk around outside. We called them transvestites back in the day.
In the 80s I started doing parties for crossdressers charged in my house entry fee and with a partner even had a locker room for them to keep their female clothes so that their family wouldn't find it. So I know a little bit about transvestites but I don't know what it feels like to be one. I've always been a little queen.