Why do transphobes refuse to understand epigenetics and its mechanisms?

Why do transphobes refuse to understand epigenetics and its mechanisms?

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explain in your own words how epigenetics and its mechanism mean that biologically you are not just a gay man in denial who wants others to pretend you are a woman because you cannot accept being gay

There are two kinds of chromossomes: sex chromosomes and autosomal chromoses (i.e., not sex chromosomes.).

Sex chromosomes serve to define if you're going to develop a testosterone producing gonad (testicles), or a estrogen producing gonad (ovaries) (as well as having the genes for the gonads to work properly).

However, 99% of the sexed characteristics are stored in the autosomal chromosomes.

The female and male genes are in the autosomal chromosomes, males also have female genes, and females also have male genes, they are just expressed differently.

Testosterone and estrogen is what defines what genes in the autosomal chromossomes will be expressed, hence making someone biologically become male or female.

Male genes being expressed in the uterus will result in the formation of a male reproductive system, and female genes will result in the formation of a female reproductive system.

Someone with a XY genotype with a defective SRY gene (that is the one trigger that makes you develop testicles), even if they have all the other normal genes, will develop as a woman, and will even be able to give birth using their womb (endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0013/ea0013p253). This happens because, without testicles and therefore without testosterone, the female genes will be expressed and the person will be a female.

Someone with a male reproductive system, for example, will develop female secondary sexual characteristics if they have their male puberty blocked and is supplemented female hormones. Though they will still have a male reproductive system, they will have a female gene expression and therefore will develop as a normal female would.

Having XY sex chromosomes does not make you "genetically male" and having XX chromosomes does not make you "genetically female", it's your gene expression, and therefore hormonal profile, that does so, because most of the genes that make a man or a woman are located in the autosomal chromosomes.

Ok none of this explains how trans women are not just gay men larping
You didn't even try to answer my question and I guarantee those were not your own words.

Unnusual hormone exposure in the womb makes a person have the brain structures related to gender identity express the genes to make their gender identity like that of the opposite birth sex. For some reason, that particular structure can not be reverse by just administering the cis-sex hormones, even in supraphysiological doses. However, the rest of the brain feminizes with HRT, and aligns more with that structure, just like the body cells.


They just copy pasted this.
You didn't expect anything else did you?
They don't actually have an opinion or answer, only a multi-tabbed worksheet that gives generic answers that are usually able to skirt around questions.

I literally am the one who created this text. These are my words.
I actually addressed many points that engage directly with the main argument, you are just too low IQ to understand any biology past high-school level.

and explain in your own words what the proof is that unusual hormone exposure changes the brain, what the brain changes are, and how those brain changes cause gay men to compulsively desire castration and crossdressing

again, no spamming links, just your own words

i know they are pathological liars but it's still good to try to engage them rationally

I'm not going to debate anything in this thread, but this shit is literally early high school biology. Who the fuck doesnt know these things?

Are non-Finnish & non-Asian schools this bad that people dont know this biology? Voi jumalauta

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Why should I waste time typing words that are already written in a very clear way in a link? Are you allergic to clicking on links?

my point is you are just hand waving with big words and spamming links and have no idea about the details of your own argument because it is fraudulent

your argument is just a hokey restatement of "gays are just men with womens brains!" but you can't actually prove your claims outright

my point is not that you should, but rather that you are mentally unable to do so without just spamming links

American schools teach children that the earth is 5000 years old.

notice they don't actually try to prove their argument just attack the person who is telling them to state their argument and evidence clearly in their own words

a feminized man isn't a woman bro

I stated my argument clearly, you just seemingly are too uneducated to actually understand what I'm saying. There's is a limited extent to which you can dumb down an argument until it no longer explains your point in a precise way.

why would anyone do that when being trans doesnt have anything to do with being gay in the first place user
thats silly

Attached: confused Tails.png (310x326, 190.51K)

Because understanding and facts aren't needed.

>I literally am the one who created this text. These are my words.
This you too then?

Attached: Legit own text_Not copied.jpg (1080x1568, 347.97K)


And not even copied and pasted.

It was copied and pasted, you fucking imbecile, it's just that it was literally me that created it and started copy and pasting in every thread in which it fitted because it was so much more simple than creating a new text every time.