
HSTS trans women don't transition because of gender dysphoria, but becauss they are feminine gay men, who get discriminated against by society for their femininity. They can't handle all of the pressure of society dor being so feminine so they transition in order to escape it.
Some of them are also internally homophobic and think their attraction to men is more okay if they're a girl, or think more men will like them if they're a girl.

HSTS act like gay men rather than women. Only AGPs are trutrans because they transition due to genuine gender dysphoria, and experience autogynephilia like cis women. HSTS don't experience autogynephilia which tells you that they aren't actually female. They also don't experience meta-attraction, like almost all cis women do, and most cis women are at least somewhat bisexual unlike HSTS who are fully androphilic. AGPs are actually transgender, whilst HSTS are not.

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Only facts detected here. If only more AGPs transitioned earlier and passed..

Least coping AGP trannoid. YWNBHSTS

You are a self hating gay man, not a woman.

Both of you are complete LARPer retards
It's like airsofters arguing with WW2 reenactors over who's the real soldier

I'm not really interested in arguing who is and isn't a real woman ITT but that reply made me kek

why do agps always resort to their man rage when confronted with facts?


If society was more accepting of GNC than HSTS tranners wouldn't exist

but your still going to hate on transbians and blanchtard ignores our existence

Some self-hating AGPs pretend to be HSTS.

why do husstusses always have such a smug superiority complex even though they've obviously got so few reasons to be smug about anything? like they even think that they're better than gay men even though that is literally exactly what they are.

t. smug husstuss

I never really got this whole conflict. Why do trannies think being HSTS is better? Why do they even care?

normies intuitively grasp the concept of a very girly gay boy who is so gay and girly that he becomes a girl. it's where the narrative of "a woman trapped in a man's body" comes from. agps realise early on that they don't conform to this narrative even though they still want to be female, so resentment and envy builds up against those who do. on the other hand, husstusses hate agps because they are poor optics. it's a pretty asymmetrical conflict for the most part though.

this is already the case in most civilised western countries, husstoids are mostly found in places where socially conservative religion still holds a lot of sway.

Imagine being a tranny and having a superiority complex when rightoids would kill you regardless.

yeah we're all the same to them, agp or hsts, truscum or tucute, youngshit or lateshit, mtf or ftm, radical or assimilationist. we're all faggots to them. the conflicts are so dumb.


>mtf or ftm,
Yeah no.

Funny reply but being a tranny is way harder than being cis, regardless of whatever TERFs want to say

justthe concept of if you're a transwomen you're either agp or hsts breaks appart so easily
like I don't fit in this concept at all

I was just a quite child and had both typical boy ans girl interests
when I hit puberty (around 12 yo) I realied hey boys and girls make me horny and I wanted to be feminine
a few years later I found out hey there is this thinf being trans and I realised I have dysphoria etc

I think agp and hsts are concepts for themselves and most agp and some hsts aren't truetrans
you're trans if you genuinely experience gender dysphoria that doesn't come from a fetish or from being a faggy gay boy

Anyone with gender dysphoria is trans.

No, I transitioned because of gender dysphoria and I'm primarily attracted to men.