Mom called me by my tranny name in front of the cleaners

>mom called me by my tranny name in front of the cleaners

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you have cleaners? i simply live in filth

must be nice
>never asked my mom to call me anything other than my birth name since I don't and could never pass

yes and we’ve had them for like 8 years and they’re brazillian i hope they’re ok with trannies

>random guy walking past me on the street yelled my porn star name after me in front of my bf that doesn’t know I used to do porn

Time to find a new one I guess

user please greentext this here:

must be nice to have cleaners but do you never feel guilty having poorer people clean up all your filth for you?

More jobs = bad???

no not really. we pay them $100 per hour
also what said

>mom that's supportive of you being a tranny
>rich enough to hire $100/hr cleaners (plural)
>still finds things to complain about
literally how? just enjoy life on super duper ez modeand get into like art or gamedev or something as a hobby

because lol my dad and i are estranged (he just pays for shit) and my mom and i aren’t too emotionally close, like i dont feel comfortable coming to her with shit
just because i come from a well-off family it doesn’t mean my life is on “super duper ez mode”. financially? sure. all the other shit? no

What's it like to have a mother?

Why do SJWs talk like this lol
I never felt guilty about anything in my life

idk because i dont have a frame of reference of what its like to not have a mother

>poor cope


cleaners are a job everywhere, its not uncommon for women to work part time cleaning houses if they're physically able to. it has some benefits.
>know how to clean shit efficiently and effectively
>gets you out of the house but you don't really have to deal with customers
>check out the inside of other peoples homes and get house ideas from stuff they have
>keeps you physically active
live-in maids are a bit odd imo but its common in some countries. booking a cleaner to come in once a week/fortnight isn't that expensive. it's a fantastic idea for a few roommates who can split the cost.

Just an fyi, as a grown adult you shouldn't have roommates

>supportive mother
>you're able to have cleaners
uh, why is this bad

>the cleaners
>you don't clean your own house

nice larp and why should i care about your preconceived notions of what an adult should or shouldn't do?
i live 10 minutes from the city (and my work) and it costs me half as much as living in a tiny apartment would, but I now also have great housemates and save a boatload more money each pay.

It’s not a cope, it’s called resentment. Learn to identify it.

BR is full of trannies so /shrug