Why are Indian crossdressers so enchanting?

Why are Indian crossdressers so enchanting?

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Some of them are. Some are gigahons.

I love saris they're so pretty

Yeah of course that goes without saying but white femboys and most of the crossdressers are on a scale of neutral to fun to look at but Indian cders are just so captivating

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Whomst moar

You're so horny lol
I went to india pre hrt and random locals asked me if i was hijra fml

I don’t know these names

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The grim reality of being an indian trans person is that it starts as crossdressinf but then testosterone ruins your body and you cant go on hrt cause your parents control your life.

T. American born indian represssor living with parents

Probably helps that Indian men are more effiminate than most

effeminate* shit

Hes not gonna take u on a magic carpet ride, Joe

That’s so sad can I rub e gel on your nipples
Sad! I want a cd Jasmine
This is a meme every time someone says it about a different group

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High T men need high T girlfriends.

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This one might be a girl just says NB
Phoneposting horrendous today

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it's the name of the dress
I thought this was another joe cross dressing pic for a good moment lmao

Nope theymab gg. Pic looks edited though
Ohh yeah plural sari I see. That would be funny if I just start crossdressing as other ethnicities

uhhh pretty sure the arabian nights weren't set in india
hijra isn't a name it means kinda like gnc/trans people i guess

Sorry I’m racist
Kek were you girlmoding or what just long hair?

Well i had long hair and my piercings are seen as effeminate there too i think. Also i kept tryna buy girls clothes lmao

Cigánska kurva fuj

they're caucasoids of asian proportions