Steel bros...not like this

Steel bros...not like this

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give me the poopoo!!!

Ok, I really was not educated on the effects of monkeypox, but, seeing how it looks for the first time, I am really scared.

At least I'm an incel virgin.

I just don't see what's so hard to believe about this.


So hawt!

what is up with this specific cohort of middle class, 25-55 year old, homosexual men, and being ridiculous walking disease vectors ?
not all gay guys are like this but there's totally a community of people who are that just like,,, what's goin on ??

man and woman = man very horny. woman not very horny. have sex sometimes
man and man =man very horny. other man very horny. have sex alot

its as shrimple as that. some men are hornier than others

i am a confucian
homos stop being like this
just fall in love and get married and form a family retards
u don't need a body count in the thousands

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I'm a taoist. Fuk u

i'm scared bros

i consider myself religiously a buddhist, politically a confucian, and economically in favor of mixed market economies with significant state control


sex havers on suicide watch

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Homophobia, like many related phobias, are not derived from hatred, but disgust. There's a reason why G centric LGBT spaces are repugnant even to other L(G)BT people.

I blame straightoids for this btw

Missing something crucial: women are much more selective than men.

no it's not all gay men, like i pointed out
personally i blame a lack of any real social cohesion

thats kinda antisemitic user...

i'm jewish, u know that right?
if anything i think the groups in the us that have the highest social cohesion and social trust are probably religious groups like some of the more orthodox sects of judaism and the amish, and my actual religion of Buddhism as well, within the monastery and the community of lay devotees

>that’s antisemitic

How is what the the tripfag said antisemitic? Even if that was the case, what’s wrong with Antisemitism?

Have you ever watched “the believer” with Ryan gosling?

#notall, hence I said "even to other L(G)BT people" rather than "LBT people". The point is not "all", the point is "enough of them that explicitly G centric places suffer for it".

you shouldn't be antisemitic user, it's just crazy
i think lots of people are antisemitic because they've never met a jew before, and every jewish person they're familiar with is just some media figure or capitalist involved with some despicable stuff
but that's not because of judaism, that's because of money and a lack of a real social system of values

or they've just been propagandized to by Any Forums and are clinically retarded lol