Do eyebrows really matter to pass?

>Consistently gendered female when I had thin arched eyebrows
>Grow them for a month
>everyone calls me sir now
I thought this was a meme, it doesn't make sense that only eyebrows can make someone pass or not. Especially since thick eyebrows are supposed to be a current trend.

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This is what I look like right now.

Attached: itsover.png (308x677, 353.57K)

And this is what I looked like with arched eyebrows, but I was told that I overplucked them. I don't know why this is happening but I'm considering killing myself because even after FFS I get called sir.

Attached: eyerow.png (271x554, 265.32K)

I see why eyebrows matter so much. To be frank, you look like a FAS baby who's androgynously ugly and the eyebrows in this case can push you over the edge either way.

if you even just shaved the bottom a bit, and a bit more going up the sides to arch them slightly, it would do wonders. there's a reason even cis girls do this

Your eyebrows look fine here and you look female here and male Keep plucking your eyebrows, simple as.

those look just a little too thin but you can add a little more on the top with eyeliner pencil or shadow. it basically moves the whole thing.

Eyebrows and eyes matter a ton whem differenciating differentiating the classic two genders. The easy examble is with cartoons; the female character has long eyelashes.

I don't have FAS, the thin lip is genetic.
But why can eyebrows be such deal breaker? considering a lot of cis girls have thick brows.

plenty of cis girls are 6 feet, or have defined jaws, or short hair. all together, you look like a hon or a storybook witch. without, you look like a jav moeblob. pic rel has thick hunter eyebrows and is seen as one of the most attractive women in the world, but it works for her because her other features are either feminine or simply androgynous.

Attached: Chiseled-Jawlines.jpg2_.jpg (970x546, 53.9K)

And what are my features that get me clocked with thick eyebrows? because it even happens when I'm wearing a covid mask.

eye sockets maybe?

What is wrong with the eye sockets? I know I have ptosis in one eye and I'm going to get surgery for it.

Idk you look like an unkempt mediterranean woman to me.

slightly strong jaw, slightly high hairline, you honestly pass in both pictures to me though. can you post a profile angle? it might also have to do with a million other things... your body, the way you move or dress or speak, there are a *lot* of gender markers.

>is seen as one of the most attractive women in the world
Really? She's literally so ugly I wish she'd die so I'd never have to see her again.

you fucked them up here but you still look a lot more feminine

you have fetal alcohol syndrome

just did my brows thanks

No I don't, the thin lip is genetic, my mom didn't drank alcohol during pregnancy.

Attached: prof.jpg (1024x1142, 109.5K)

you pass as to me too. i say it'd be a combo of mildly clocky features if i had to ignore that i think you pass and take a guess. probably jaw? my guess would go more toward body and how you speak or carry yourself now, seeing this

every fucking passgen i tell trans girls to do their eyebrows
it's literally the most important thing to looking feminine

I don't think it's my body, I have seen cis women bigger and wider than me.

Attached: X8Slupd.jpg (3120x4160, 503.84K)

you literally pass in every way i've seen lol, even body, and i'm usually pretty critical. what an anomaly. are you 6 feet or something? do you dress like a male?

I'm 1'65m or 5'5".
>do you dress like a male?
I would say that I dress androgynously, for example I'm wearing a lilac oversized hoodie, I thought that color would lead people to believe I'm a woman. It's weird because in summer I get gendered female more consistently.