/ftmg/ seahorse papi general

Q: in two words, describe seahorse dads

Q2: what is the most retarded name you've ever seen given to a child? celebrity baby names don't count

>>Previously, on /ftmg/:

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Trip on terje

make me

ftms aren't seahorses

I want to knock up an ftm

Okay I'll answer
>Fat fucks
Fat fucks
Brother named his kid Rixley

Sorry for being too retarded to format

Yes they are

I coom

Dood he manly

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>mum picks up my shoe to use to prop the door
>"how are your feet so tiny? you really didn't inherit my huge ones"
why didn't i inherit anything but a hyperfeminine face from her? she's 5'10" and broad shouldered with man feet. it's too cruel

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What is hyperfeminine about your face

>Q: in two words, describe seahorse dads
fertile poon
>Q2: what is the most retarded name you've ever seen given to a child?
Sasuke Manuel

tiny button nose, short midface, round square shape, pointy small chin, huge chipmunk cheeks
i think i'm going to shave and go back to andro-coping, i can't make it trying to look like a normal man


You were a serial rapist/murderer who was put to death in a past life and now God made you small and dickless so you won't do it again

Accept your punishment you sick fuck

As a confirmed idiot I do actually fully believe this theory for a lot of ftms. Also Taylor was telling me something about how her great grandmother told her mother she would "reincarnate as one of your sons" before she died and Taylor has frequent lucid dreams about being a woman during the great depression referred to by her great grandmother's name, so that could be a theory for mtfs (and maybe ftms too who aren't sick disgusting ass stains like toilet paper man).


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You're insane please never change



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i'm not entirely opposed to the idea of reincarnation and karma. thinking of this life as a punishment makes it feel better, thanks Terje

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there, there little pooner I'm 5'0, my mom is 5'3 and my dad is 5'6. God hates gays, but if a comically short pooner like me can cope with a "it can always be worse," so can you.

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>Q2: what is the most retarded name you've ever seen given to a child?
All names related to weather/seasons. Summer, Autumn, Snow etc. Don't get me wrong, they aren't that bad in english, but in my language they sound stupid as fuck. They are considered gender neutral here, so all virtue signaling bitches give them to their kids. All adults with that name however, are stereotypical fat fuck trender enbies/pooners. I feel bad for the kids who don't get to choose.

The worst I've seen so far translates to ''Leaf''. Imagine naming your kid Leaf.