It was my birthday today

>it was my birthday today
>no calls from family (no family left)
>no calls from friends (no friends)
>nobody said anything except my boss when she gave me the day off
>sat in bed and moped the whole day away
How do you cope with the fact that nobody cares about you?

Attached: cryin.jpg (400x400, 17.32K)

Do u have a bussy?

Happy birthday user.

bday twins lol

basically the same but had to work today

I cope by drinking an entire bottle of wine in one sitting

oh yeah

happy bday user

One time I cared about someone and she told me she cared too but I made a bunch of concessions to ensure the relationship would work and she didn't change anything about herself at all, and the first time we ran into a real difficulty that required her to concede something to me, she broke it off immediately and never spoke to me again.
You know, cause you get what you give or whatever.

Happy birthday anons

Why is anyone obligated to care about you? Just get a boyfriend for that, FFS

You have no family so who was gonna call?
I have family and they ignore me.
Hbd tho I guess. It's just a day.

My family disowned me. So, I have no family. They didn't even care enough to call me and yell at me.

things get better user, and happy birthday!

Hppy birthday
>>nobody said anything except my boss when she gave me the day off
Ugh I've been there, nothing is more soul-crushing than knowing your boss is the person who cares the most about you

Things are turning around for me though and they will for you too

Life will improve. People certainly care or have the capacity to care for you. Reach out to people you used to know and see how they are doing, try talking to coworkers like you would a friend, invite them to go see a movie or something. You never know where friendship can come from.

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Your family is trash then I wouldn't worry too much about now having them around.

happy birthday :D
I am sorry nobody wished you a happy birthday, I know "get friends" is vague (and difficult!) advice but try to get out there and do things you enjoy and try to make friends in those circles!

Happy Birthday user!!!!!!!!!

I turned 33 this year
nobody knew it was my birthday because I have nobody in my life except the people I talk to at work

Change i guess, i always found that the most common and/or most changeable aspect in my problems was how i was thinking/doing things. Hate being lonely? Make plans to not be, no matter how long and hard (cock) that will be, and in the meantime enjoy the loneliness, because sometimes youll miss it. Its like climbing a mountain; you dont always travel up to go up, sometimes it takes long detours. The only people who are doomed are those who climbed back down before they made it to the top. The people who decided they wont change. Also, celebrate your birthday by treating yourself, the one person who you need to love you most and you need to love most is yourself. Dont wait for people who have proven themselves to be unreliable in your happiness to give you that happiness, go out and start finding how to get it yourself. Happy birthday user, keep up the good work.

It's sad but a lot of people aren't taught about how much effort it is to actually foster relationships you haven't been forced into
Some learn the hard way after realize they have no real friends, but that's ok it's only up from here!!!

if it's any consolation my birthday is next week and I fully expect the same thing because it's all that has happened the last few years
except not even my boss knows

happy birthday user im sorry