True Trans

If you weren't a feminine little child and always the class sissy boy, you're not really transsexual! You might be transgendered, an ago, but you're not really feminine like a real woman!

Attached: 20220320_090842.jpg (1920x1440, 1.33M)

>You might be transgendered, an agp,

agp's are always meta-attraction they're not really attracted to men in a natural way like a real woman

Who’s In the image? Something Changes? Remember her from years ago

I literally love HSTS tranners so much it's unbelievable. They're like a huge relief from constantly seeing rapehons, thank you for existing

Tell me you're a chaser without telling me you're a chaser

Okay I'd like to see you and have a contest to see who really is the more beautiful Trans on Any Forums?

I was too disgusted by myself to want to be anything in public, I just wanted everyone to ignore and look past me. My parents forced me into a buzzcut instead of the long hair I wanted for my entire childhood and knowing what other people saw when they looked at me hurt too much for any social interaction to be fun.

Attached: cry2.png (817x869, 560.34K)

growing up my friends were mainly fujos who wanted me to crossdress
idk if this makes me trutrans in ur eyes user

I'm actually cishet and attracted to other cishets. I just empathize with them and like learning about their journeys, but tell me you're a seething transbian without telling me you're a seething transbian

I told my parents at age 5 that I would rather be a girl. Crossdressed often even at school and literally everyone thought I was gay. Realiesd at 18 that I'm trans. Repressed till 20 and started hrt at 21. Got my ffs 2 weeks ago at 22.
What does that make me?

You should have went crazy you should have went crazy. Go nuts not to get buzz cut. My parents wanted to do that to me and I got so upset I ended up pissed all over myself.

I cried when they cut my hair but all it resulted in was me getting whipped.

My kind of girl but I still think you should have honked on it when you were a teenager. I knew about the trans stuff when I was a kid and I just went full out to get myself sex changed like youngshits barrnone!

It's amazing how trannies on this board invent these insane fictional ideas and treat them like they're rigid structures even tho none of you fit into these archetypes and everyone who hasn't been exposed to these brainworms thinks you are all absolutely insane. All it does is make you unhappy and give you an excuse to make other people unhappy. It's even more fucked up that you frame them as fetish material so you're fucked up emotionally and sexually.

Fight them kick them, run away from home go, call the police, scream your head off! Do anything you can. I was a delinquent child. I was considered a troubled boy, all I disgreed with was the boy part!

You're not setting it up so that people know what you're talking about you're talking in the middle of a thought instead of a complete thought you're acting like a moron who thinks everyone can read your mind thought broadcasting that kind of shit

>you're acting like an moron
you just talked about pissing all over yourself to get out of a haircut im not surprised your reading comprehension is terrible

Don't have to be smart to be pretty all you got to do is have a talent for fashion glamor and style I got that pigs down I'll challenge any girl on this board to it looks contest anytime!
I've moged every Reddit princess.

Bro who cares taking HRT makes me happy.

super tranny
Let's Get It On

Oh my god same. My dad forced me to get a flat top until I was a young adult. I hated it so so much. Now that I think about it, he may have been trying to force it out of me, because after I came out as trans he said he had similar wishes of wanting to be a girl. So he was vicariously making me repress.

>Even gatekeeping the True Trans crowd
>Yet again focusing the pearl clutching on transwomen rather than Trans people in general because the real scare is about masculinity

True Trans is whether or not you experience dysphoria, not whether you had enough confidence or not enough repression to express yourself "femininely-enough."

that pathetic Any Forums retard again?

>True Trans is whether or not you experience dysphoria
T H I S 100%

You didn't hate it that much, or you wouldn't allowed your dad to make you do that.
You don't know anything about how to be a troubled kid who's really gid in childhood.

>You wouldn't have obeyed your parents if you didn't enjoy it
Not familiar with kids are you?