So I'm a year into HRT and I can't cum like absolutely NOTHING, it's just completely dry

So I'm a year into HRT and I can't cum like absolutely NOTHING, it's just completely dry

also my balls started becoming small, which was fine I guess but then my balls literally started to "lift up", right now I can't really see my balls, my ballsack looks empty and it's just like skin hanging, literally it fucking looks like I got orchi, to the point my partner asked if I had my orchi done.

Is it normal? what the fuck is going on

Attached: 1631566901789.jpg (1080x810, 70.44K)

did you not read about the effects of cross sex hormones?…

ur balls are just inside u it's fine

yeah I know but like why? my tranner friends have small but normal balls

I did but I never read anything about balls becoming basically marbles and going inside of me, actually I've seen a buuuunch of trannies complaining about their balls not fitting inside they panties or about how they don't "cum as much"

but I literally don't cum anything and panties fit great because of no-balls

I'm confused. Why are you complaining? The effects vary depending on the person, of course, but dry ejaculations - or your cum becoming more liquidy are all signs that the estrogen is doing its thing. Did you want to be able to keep cumming like normal? If so, you should've been rubbing testosterone gel/cream on your testicles to mitigate these specific effects.

How much research did you do beforehand...? What's your regimen?

i think shes literally just confused cos didnt expect such a dramatic effect

>trans girl who’s never heard of the inguinal canals

Like I'm ok, I'm not complaining I was just like expecting my cum to be a tiny bit and clear but it's literally nothing, I orgasm dry

also I know other trannies do have balls that are big enough to bother them, and my balls literally dissapeared

also my tits are pretty fucking big for me to be in my first year of HRT and there's noone I can compare with or whatever

ok now you're just humblebragging sis

Gratz on getting a free orchiectomy by just taking hormones.

I wanna know if this is normal for some people or if I'm intersex

You're a year into hrt mam, of course your balls will be shrunk and you'll have some breast development. Did you just start hrt without reading anything about it? I'm 3 months in an my balls have already gotten smaller along with producing almost ejaculate. You've had 3x that amount of time for the effects to develop.

4x I mean

post unsee OP

Ok I'll post my balls

unseedotcc /album#fCW9WTU6QJGNMXUV
the ballsack part circled in red is empty, it's just hanging skin

i wanna see these massive bazongas you were talking about also

what hrt do you take?

I think it’s set to 1 view

sorry I think it's fixed

I didn't say I have bassive bazongas, just breddy big to be on my first year

buy a dildo and rock ur gspot retard
or use a vibrator on ur lil tranny clit