Please help I did Anal and I haven't been able to shit properly for a week

Please help I did Anal and I haven't been able to shit properly for a week

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You did it wrong

>and if you think that’s bad, you should see the other guy!

>shits every week
user... Shitting is a biweekly or monthly exercise.

i poop every day. sometimes twice a day

Idk what I'd wrong
I douched and lubed tf up and used a beginner as sized toy
I didn't cum :(

did he?

Okay when I said I did anal I meant just to I don't really know the proper terminology

*To myself

what do u mean you can’t shit properly

I wasn't able to shit for like 4 days and now I can only do very small amounts
My gut makes weird noises at night
I haven't been undereating either

douched too deep

silly little girl.

spread ur hole check if it hurts

it doesnt
will it go back to normal?

ok so u probably just tore up ur insides a little

just wait it out and no more ass stuff for at least two weeks

damn that sucks
I've only done it two or three times, I kinda don't really get it. Usually I can eventually get it to start feeling really good for a few minutes but then it always stops before I cum and i get pissed off
Cumming with my dick feels like absolutely nothing

u just need to explore ur other kinks until the prospect of bouncing on some dick until the walls of ur asshole tear sounds enticing

yeah damaging myself doesn't sound hot in the slightest
I just enjoyed that feeling it gave me for a bit but i don't wanna fuck myself up

I don't really have any kinks though, I've been kinda sexually frustrated recently because masturbating doesn't feel satisfactory at all

how often do u masturbate

it depends
for a while it was once or twice daily, then maybe every 3 days.
Lately its been once or twice a week

This has happened to me when I was inexperienced and young... Really young >.>. You might be constipated, and the sphincter is all loosey goosey and your not getting that "pooping" urge.
This stops happening when you learn to stop clenching during sex.

It's not a big deal and all will go back to normal. If your constipated use an enema or laxative. At least if you have no pain in your butt.

If you try to clench does it feel kind of weaker than normal?

Clenching maybe feels a little weaker? Not a super noticable difference.
But yeah the main problem is I'm not getting that urge. I'm slowly getting back to normal but its weird cuz ive still been eating a fair bit
>this stops happening when you learn to stop clenching during sex.
Yeah it was really hard to get control of myself while playing with my butt, my butt would either just push it out or pull it in a lot of the time and I didn't feel in control