A few questions

Those of you troons who repped, how long did you repress? What made you repress? Did you question a lot and think you're not actually trans?

What made you finally troon out and how did you set out?

I would appreciate if some of you could answer, thank you.

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A lot of ppl repress till they are financially stable enough and out of their parents house

Repped for like 2.5y, it wasn't active "I'm trans and choosing not to do anything about it" tho. It was just the time since I started seriously thinking about my gender and when I started hrt. I felt massive transphobia, I built up this fake persona over years that was some creepy amalgamation of any men I believed were "alpha" plus pick up artists. I was so sucked in to trying to be a man I never really asked if I actually wanted to be one. I was a weirdo, a fetishist, a freak. I never even said I could actually be trans until I was 9m hrt and my therapist bullied it out of me.
I started hrt in a fuck it whatever sense, at least I can coom better if I want, I might kms anyway so why does it matter. I planned to trial it when I moved out and I waited until then. I trooned out years later when I got ffs and decided it was just as awkward to explain the surgery as just come out

So why does one missing parent create such a catastrophe but neglect/two missing parents creates a cluster A?

I repped because I knew my family wouldn’t accept me and then I got so depressed and got so bad narcolepsy I forgot I was trans

yeah this. i couldn’t really troon out while i didn’t have enough income to be completely independent from my parents and it took me a few years to achieve that

I almost trooned out, thank god I didn't, I was just a horny lonely teenager desperate for validation
you are all unironically groomers

Then why are you here

Don't get the meme desu, mommy issues guys tend to be soft little boys who just want a girl to hold them

What does mommy and daddy issues even mean

it's like a train wreck, you can't look away

Yeah and men with distant farthest stereotypically violent


>how long
>What made you repress?
Depression. I thought I can't be trans and even if I was it didn't matter since I planned to kill myself "soon"
>Did you question a lot and think you're not actually trans?
I didn't question much. I had thoughts like "I wish I was trans" tho
>What made you finally troon out
On 1 bad day I was redditinig and saw another one of those I'm so happy after I transitioned posts. I kinda was really suicidal and it made it worse and I decided it's either I'm killing myself on that day or coming out and trying to transition. Sadly I chose to come out since I'm a coward.
>how did you set out
Came out on that same day. It went ok I guess. Was on hrt a month later.

See you on HRT in a month or so, Alice

>Those of you troons who repped, how long did you repress?
Til 28
>What made you repress?
Denial, so much denial
>Did you question a lot and think you're not actually trans?
I thought "no, I can't be like this, I don't believe it"
>What made you finally troon out and how did you set out?
Fear of aging like a man, thankfully I look very young for my age
>I would appreciate if some of you could answer, thank you.
You got it

I'm a catholic now so it's never gonna happen
I just like to remind myself of the horrors on the other side of the aisle

See you at 50, john

I hope you live long enough to see me at 50

Have fun aging like a male ya little repper, the feelings won't go away no matter how much you suppress them

My deepest condolences