Where is a useless hopeless loser like me supposed to go to talk to people? 4channers are to normal for me...

where is a useless hopeless loser like me supposed to go to talk to people? 4channers are to normal for me, trannies are way to normal for me, suicidal people are to normal for me, what the fuck am i supposed to do? no one is miserable enough for me to talk to.

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I'd be friends with you but even I'm too miserable and have zero motivation to talk to anyone
just shitpost all day like I do

>I'd be friends with you but even I'm too miserable and have zero motivation to talk to anyone
>just shitpost all day like I do

yeah, thats what i do. any tips on getting the means to kill myself?

no ones coming to help me
no one is thinking about me
no one cares

I am in a similar situation but get called a normie by a lot of them. I think it has something to do with poor communication skills. I have been wrapped up in my mind to the point where I genuinely think I could never be happy again. It is a bit silly. I cannot find anywhere not filled with normies though, if you find a place let me know. Its very demoralizing.

>I am in a similar situation but get called a normie by a lot of them.

i get banned or made fun of because im such a fucking loser

What makes you such a loser?

im laughable by incel standards, i havent left my house in months, im a manmoding tranny, and i go to hysterical lengths to self harm when im having a breakdown (and i have them often)

i have no friends, no money and all i do is whine all day.

I only leave my house to get fast food, if that's any consolation. I'm not even a tranny, if I was a tranny I'd at least have some form of tangible identity. How do you self harm and what do you have breakdowns about? Do you want friends? I whine a lot, too.


I’d be friends with someone bpd if I could make friends at all. I knew a guy with bod, he was really cool
Unless you have some other situation.

>How do you self harm and what do you have breakdowns about?
in every way possible, i intentionally humiliate myself socially to extend my self hate into others and i do it physically too by cutting or burning. i also make sure thing that are near and dear to me get destroyed or go away so i no longer have them.
i have bpd

Can you give me an example of the humiliation? What are you punishing yourself so extensively for? I have bpd as well, I believe.

>Can you give me an example of the humiliation?
publicly doing outrageous and humiliating things, saying things about myself that arent true to convince people to hate me more, intentionally taking pics that make my body look more disgusting than it already is and sending it to everyone etc.

and i dont know, i just hate myself. im not sure if its because im a tranny or if im a tranny because of it.

That's interesting. You should think more about why you hate yourself.

>You should think more about why you hate yourself.

i do. all day.

You should hang out with Sophie

i dont like that person

That tone is annoying. I hope your situation continues.

>I hope your situation continues.
me too, i deserve it.

But you're like twins. Maybe you should date

Rumination is awful and not helpful but you’re much more likely to get better if you have this sort of mindset I think.
Therapy is tough for bpd right? Maybe read some psych and see if you get some insights. Would suggest literally looking up psychological articles (not psychology today garbage) on why ppl with bpd develop it.
Don’t know what kind of psych you like or would resonate but different strokes for diffferent folks. God speed and NTA

ive been raped twice and my household is so poor it cant afford gasoline to go down the road

that person has had nothing bad happen to them and theyre rich. i dont want to talk to them.

You seem like an annoying, attention seeking cunt who came here to get hugboxed

>inb4 "Noooo! I hate myself and I'm the worst! You should all hate me!!!!!"

>You seem like an annoying, attention seeking cunt who came here to get hugboxed

spot on you are right