What are you cooking tonight Any Forums?

How do you expect to be a good boywife if you can't cook quaint meals?
creamy alfredo with some herby shit, rlly rounds it out :3

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7/10, would boymarry

Your pasta looks really nice, Diya!
Would gladly eat it and then call you a good girl

That does look fucking good.
Maybe a little OTT with the foliage though.

I want to eat biryani but it's too much of a pain in the ass to cook

the leaves taste good though, I like lots of green in my food

it’s too fucking hot to eat any real meals here, i’ll probably make some soup with the leftovers i have lying around

kill me, thats what im supposed to make except with homemade pesto

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idk i think we're doing minestrone soup with the leftover pasta but nobody wrote it in the meal plan or attached a recipe so i think ill sit that one out
but yesterday we did these weird not-eggs-benedict things with some eggy-hashbrown leftover stuff and some ham and some hollandaise
im a lousy neet but i do chores and yard work sometimes and cooking, kinda alternating/cooperating between me and my sister and my dad

I had cereal and some frozen potato waffles in the toaster for dinner with my gf tonight
We went to the zoo today so we didn't wanna do anything fancy

fava beans

i wanna learn to cook so bad but i live with family and the kitchen's always occupied or full of shit that doesn't belong to me and i can't by my own shit because there's no room in the fucking kitchen
i gotta move out but everything's expensive


its all faggots over there too and a very chill board i think you will like it user, i get a ton of poorfag recipes from there

>very chill board
you must be kidding me

>its all faggots over there
how do you know

yeah it's a preference
i like the taste of the acids, shallots, and greens punching through the alfredo :}
mayhaps, thx user

Its a good board for baiting americans into hating europeans but not much else.

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OP here
I forgot to take a fucking lactade...
I'm lactose intolerant

webm thread used to be hilarious.

Do they even have those anymore?

yes but they aint the same.
