Why is his idea of punishing trolls making them cum from extremely hard anal sex?

Why is his idea of punishing trolls making them cum from extremely hard anal sex?

Why is he so hot when he's mad?

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What does this mean?

OP ik you're crushing hard but the Chun is not necessarily the most receptive place to pictures of black men. unless you're on Any Forums or /soc/ but you know what i mean


he looks like his semen is so fertile it'll get my tummy pregnant

bitch i will KILL YOU

It doesn't fucking matter that he's a nigger. He's literally actually black darksydephil. Everyone's going to hate this take anywhere else. NOBODY but some delusional tranny hopped up on meds would see anything in that freak but hate.

yeah he's never seemed to me anything but a pitiful, insecure, deeply closeted clown. but "N" was the first post so it does have a little bit to do with that

he would hate you calling him Black Darksydephil so much & he would hate me more for bringing him up in such a random place but that's so cute don't you just WANT to make him angry i want his cum so bad LOOOLLLLL

Dale is the most outright homosexual public figure I can think of
Also lmao look at how he has his (porn) actor name tattooed on his forearms, what a tool

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you can see from the shape of his skull that it was squeezed by the vaginal canal during birth, creating the eerie cube-like form that provides us the origin of the term "blockhead"

im crying

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he came out feet first

stupid sexy man

Anonette he hates black people and trannies he's said it multiple times. Also he sexually fantasizes about the trolls because it's the only outlet for his suppressed gay desires

yeah he also hates street fighter v & smash ultimate but guess what

but nothing other than the skull is both broad enough to be almost biologically impassable through the vaginal canal and pliable enough to be easily squeezed or dented. babies even have that spot at the top of their heads you can indent with your finger if you aren't careful



hes a nigger.

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