Isn’t it strange how only children and gays are getting monkeypox?

Isn’t it strange how only children and gays are getting monkeypox?
something is fishy

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children always get diseases because they have bad immune systems, get rounded up and kept together, and touch each other, share foods, etc. way more freely than adults.
gays get too horny to worry about their partner having the pox until after.
media hates gays so plays that up and anything with children is twice as dramatic.

It’s because Allah hates both homosexuals and children.

only children and gays are getting monitored properly for it
I called this months back btw

That's cause it's mostly gays and children who are reporting
If normal adults were getting those rashes they would've reported and health officials would've focused on them too.

>children have higher rates of monkeypox than adult women
Uh, gaybros? Even if they aren't in sexual contact with gay men, you still need to be physically touched to effectively transfer the virus. Why are these children being touched?

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tttt prior to monkeypox:
tttt now:
> are filthy.

It's the fucking smallpox eradication and chickenpox vaccine. Now nobody remembers that you've got to stay the fuck away from someone with scabs all over them.

Normal adults *are* getting those rashes
There's huge amounts of under-reporting.
We've seen this happen with HIV, we've seen this happen with COVID.
And we've learned nothing with either.

kek this

AIDS mostly affected faggots and covid was a giant nothingburger

>Normal adults *are* getting those rashes
Definitely not as much as gays or children

Tip: start by getting your information directly from the CDC or a source better than a "monkeypoxtally" handle on some social media site.

Wake up sheeple. The CDC and mainstream media are covering up the truth. Infographics I found on social media are more trustworthy.

And thanks to retards like these, both have become pandemics that we'll never see over.
QED. Couldn't ask for a more succint demonstration of human retardation. Thank you.

it would help the chuds a bit if they could point to a single documented case of a monkeypox'd gay guy sexually abusing the child around them who tested positive for it

>everyone has it, it's just that only gay people are reporting it
We're reaching levels of delusion beyond anything seen before.

>tttt prior to monkeypox:
>tttt now:
>> are filthy.
what does this even mean. what is the relation between these things, for one. people here are obviously saying both things: right-wingers typically groom children into being their slaves (unless it's like a religious right-winger who's liberal on LGBT stuff, but those seem to be very rare) and children also have poor hygiene

>right-wingers typically groom children into being their slaves (unless it's like a religious right-winger who's liberal on LGBT stuff, but those seem to be very rare)
(plus even in those rare cases they probably still forcibly indoctrinate them into their retarded belief system and disown them if they refuse to be brainwashed)

the government and media are hiding such information fearing backlash against gays. They'll be publicly lynched if it gets out.

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It's literally what is happening before our eyes.
Many different demographics are getting it, however only those close to the gay community are getting proper medical attention and monitoring.
History will vindicate me on this one. I guarantee you and any of the other 4chins retards who need to leave this website.

>the government and media are hiding such information fearing backlash against gays.
as if reporting that 99% of cases are exclusively in gay men isnt already doing that.