Where the fuck do i find a cis gf who understands bdd

, ocd and is compatible with a hermit mtf like me?
the more i get to know myself the more isolating it is. normal people suffocate me. it's hard enough to relate to anyone but moreso in this day and age with the constant hexing and divide and conquer around every corner within every community.
i had a friend who could relate, but she died, had another but drove her off in an attempt to get myself to quit coping. finding online social outlets in the era of a dead internet is just as hard as getting irl friends in a podunk shithole with no one in it.
i'm tired

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why not just date another tranny? they're more likely to be able to relate with that kinda stuff

i would and have but meeting one with my criteria is as unlikely as a cis but i think i would be better off with a cis girl because they could assist me in areas trannies struggle with like body language facial body language and fashion
i don't have good luck with dating trannies who don't wind up jealous of me and having to deal with tension either

Protip: learn to code. High paychecks attract ciswomen.

i don't want a gold digging good for nothing whore, i want a human, with a soul :(

Damn girl are u me
I'm with a cis girl but it's lonely. She doesn't get it. The only queer person I know irl is myself. It's fucking depressing. I need friends who I can be out to. I need to someone to vent to who won't act completely clueless as to what I'm going through. I spend all fucking day here now because it's the only goddamn place I get to talk to anyone like me. I'm miserable.

You must understand that from an attractive ciswoman's point of view, romantic possibilities are endless. Settling for someone because they have a good heart or whatever makes no sense when you are surrounded by potential mates who are equally nice. You have to bring something special to the table to attract love..

maybe i am u idk
i think most people go through this kind of loneliness once they find themselves and realize what they want
>I spend all fucking day here now because it's the only goddamn place I get to talk to anyone like me. I'm miserable.
yeah same.. no outlets
no, i understand all that, i know how the game works. you're not describing how to attract love though. if i want pussy or ass i can get it, but i have no interest in playing the game of the sexual market.
i want a gf who can actually be a good friend too, but that puts you in the same category of scarcity as finding good friends. because shitty people make up the majority. someone into me because i have resources would not make me feel any less alone no matter how nice they looked

and that's also kind of the problem, that mindset of settling if someone isn't perfect or rich is why a lot of women wind up alone or in relationships they don't like and wind up cheating or opening the marriage.
i don't have insane standards or want perfection, just relatability and compatibility
>You have to bring something special to the table to attract love..
the same people who say this are the ones who can only offer ass, it ain't about that it's about being a person that doesn't make me feel alone in their presence

>i think most people go through this kind of loneliness once they find themselves and realize what they want
What do we do though. I feel like im staring down the barrel of a gun. I cant live like this indefinitely.

i don't know what we do. that's why i'm making this useless thread that won't do shit. i feel the same as you. the one person i've met, in my whole life that i was compatible with, can't do a relationship because of lifestyle differences and being unable to prioritize anything but their lifes work
other girl i liked is gone forever and was unavailable anyway
so it's back to isolation and being an island. it's driving me nuts too and i'm accustomed to solitude

>implying a cis woman would ever be interested in a transbian rapehon

dont be so hard on urself

lol no wonder you don't have a cis gf dude

Yeah women suck fr

maybe go for a femme leaning theyfab

where do i find one

lgbt events and online dating apps.

dating aps just attract the hookup crowd and i live in the middle of nowhere

Why not date a man. Oh wait, your AGP, thats why... Detroon immediately

try a game, make a friend, fall in love, fly and meet, one of you upends your life because it's really worth that