/phg/ - Pooner Hate General

Fuck pooners

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i love fucking pooners and sucking their little cocks man

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Feels good knowing Iā€™m two and a half inches taller than Elliot

Go take your T shots liddle pooner

Hawt. Pooner pride worldwide.

I just went to a small meetup as a friend's moral support that was literally half pooners and it was the most embarrassed I have ever been to be in public with a group of people. Their voices were all fucking terrible. One was about 4'9" and looked like a 50 year old mom while in her early 20s, had the worst T voice I've ever heard, and glaringly noticable feminine mannerisms. I don't think I'll ever recover from how uncomfortable I was to be seen among a bunch of little clowns

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Is that how cis women see Trans women?

embarassing thread. who's making these?

I love to fuck pixie haired gaydens

Finally, a thread for me to hate myself on

Why do trans "women" hate FtMs so much? Men actually love pooners.

Shut up pedo

You have no reasons to hate yourself brother.

Men don't like pooners

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poor guy, i never realized he was 5ā€™1ā€. if i had that sort of money i would cultivate the shortest cis guy friend group possible, maybe only hang out with guatemalans

Why you're such a hateful self-mutilating incel?

Erm.. Thanks, tranny hater

At least I'm not a pedo tripfag

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Elliot Page may be a turbopooner but he made Jordan Peterson seethe and cope so he's alright in my book

pooners have the widest gulf because they either literally the hottest people in the universe or the ugliest

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Seethe and dilate, you will never be a woman.