Why is monkeypox spreading among gay/bi men mostly? Why not other members of the LGBTQ or hetero men?

Why is monkeypox spreading among gay/bi men mostly? Why not other members of the LGBTQ or hetero men?

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How can a man be a fag i cant understand it? do you see a dick and think "oh i am going to put that in my anus"? jesus christ

honestly if you're enough of a slut to sleep around and not even use a condom you deserve it

It’s a poxvirus you fucking retard, it spreads by touch

Because it's a moral panic and the only time it's made a big deal about is when gays have it. If it was really a massive problem being spread by gay sex a bunch of "straight" guys would be having breakouts as well.

Because straight people stopped kissing. I've heard they don't love each other anymore

stop spreading disgusting diseases


inb4 janny deletes the thread for being nsfw

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Wow literal cope

are people just not vaccinated against smallpox or something? how is this an issue in first world countries

Because of idiots like this who can't understand how infectious diseases work

The heterrhoid media is going to change its tune in another 2-3 months when straights start instagramming their sores. Get your shots now, while the criteria are still laughably narrow and it's still possible to get one without being a high ranking government official

>everyone is vaxxed against smallpox
Holy shit are you like 80 years old or what?

If it spreads simply by touch where's all the non-homosexuals with it?

73 years young

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poxes spread through physical contact, sex involves lots of physical contact and there's a large group of gay men who have sex with each other often
if straight people slept around as much as gay men then it would be spreading among them

they stopped the vaccinations in the 80s or 70s for most countries iiirc
someone born in 1980 is 42 now for reference

Kek smallpox is literally eradicated they don't immunise anymore. I don't think I ever got a shot for it and I was born at the start of the millennium.

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It’s been tested mostly in gay male communities because gay men are the first to get mysterious skin lesions checked due to hiv scares. It’s false to assume just because it has been tested primarily in gay men so far, that’s who primarily has it

Venezuelan detected
I bet you have a scar on your arm

You mean most verified cases? Or does that upset your retarded narrative

... I presume that's it, more or less, once you make the connection that this feels good. Surely you can understand going the other way around: insertion?

This isnt smallpox. Plenty still get vaccinated against it but this isnt the same is it?

Hetero men and women have it. The handwringing isnt about them nor the slim media coverage on this at all (we can presume who is "concerned" with how "rampant" a problem this is amongst the gay community).

>Why is monkeypox spreading among gay/bi men mostly?
Because being gay and having standards is internalized homophobia.