I’m only into cispooners

I’m not gonna make it, am I?

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Damn I've never seen a cis guy with worse structure than me, those are serious birthing hips. Understandable type, too bad it's so rare

I only want to fuck cispooners but I also get them pregnant, I’m 99% sure god is playing a practical joke on me because he wants my family line to die out

god I want an incel bf so bad

Also WANT* to get them pregnant

Yeah I want an incel bf who is extremely insecure about his wide wide hips and short stature ..

geez and i thought my bod was cispoon tier holy shit that man's hips

Oh hey wassup

I've never passed but a Dr once assured I was ftm and an old man once yelled at me on the street for ruining my body so the fact anyone wants to date a cispooner gives me hope

Why the fuck don't people like him transition. You'd expect a short cutecel with short shoulders and wide hips to give in and be either a chick or hrt femboy but all we ever get are 6ft linbacker sholder, no hips, gigachadmoders

Because men are heavily groomed to NOT BE GAY, doesn't matter how fem you look in certain places (churches, homes, schools) because before you could speak ppl were yelling at you for choosing the wrong toys and clothes. Parents beat there kids over this. Probably has a man face because of how long they waited. It's rlly awful I'm pretty sure all always hate myself to a degree for being trans and liking men but stopped consciously fighting it anymore


looks shopped desu that waist on the left looks a bit artefacty

Sometimes I think I'm not even gay or trans I was just an effeminate person who's been so heavily traumatized that I could never ever except being a feminine man. My entire childhood and hs experience was robbed with an obsession of appearing straight and a deep fear as being outed as gay despite believing that I myself was straight. I decided to be straight at 6 years old more moral reasons, not going to hell and being avoiding bulllying.

>My entire childhood and hs experience was robbed with an obsession of appearing straight and a deep fear as being outed as gay despite believing that I myself was straight.
this hits hard ngl
i can relate to every word

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>I’m not gonna make it, am I?
every effeminate short skinny nerd has that build.
but you're looking for the one in a million who also has a handsome masculine face to go with that body so yes you're ngmi.

I'm so sorry that you can relate user. I hope your head is clearer mines so much better than it was in hs. I have a memory that triggers tears everytime I think about it
>be me in grd 11 pe class playing baseball outside. Waiting in line thinking about how I wish i could be a woman.
>my turn to swing(never played before)
>miss, miss, miss, teacher would let a girl take a base at this point not me I have to hit is
>miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss
>missing for about 6 minutes straight before I hit it.
>eventually hit it, nothing impressive but everyone managed to move up one base
>standing at the base thinking about the last 6 minutes
>everyone sees me as a pathetic man, all the guys see me as there bro that they feel sad for because of my height but nine of them liked me because I'm ugly and not feminine. The girls just see me as a pathetic straight man, a nerd whose only use is to marry after I've accumulated wealth and they've had there fun
>God I wish I could do anything to change my life
>think about being gay and how it would impact me socially, believe it would be nothing but bad for my life.
>get violently sick, vomiting, nausea, migraines, sensitivity to light.
I got sick like this maybe 45 times that year all over these thoughts but that one is so memorable for me. I can immediately replicate the heads pace I was in at that time and i have honestly never felt more scared, helpess and worthless than I did that day

I have a handsome masculine face and a similar build but there hips bones are way wider, my hips match my chest and then I have rlly good q angle that makes it look like I have hips

geez user i'm really sorry you had to go through that shit, sounds fucking awful. i didn't have it nearly as bad as that. i hope things work out better for you soon tho
hang in there fren

my nigga deadass look like a coke bottle


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