What is love?

give me the most "red pilled" version.

no, not just sexual attraction. the feeling of warmth and safety you get when they're near, or do something extra romantic. the fuzzy flutters you get in your chest when they say or do something sweet? and then the painful broken black hole feeling in your chest when they leave, they hurt you, or you hurt them? The electricity you feel in the air from your auras contorting enflaming and making live to each other in the background while you're fucking?

so; what i mean is the 'magic part'. What is it and why does it exist? it cant just be evolutionary, because i feel it for men too; i would think evolution wouldn't give me any reason to love another man like that.

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baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more

>the feeling of warmth and safety you get when they're near, or do something extra romantic. the fuzzy flutters you get in your chest when they say or do something sweet? and then the painful broken black hole feeling in your chest when they leave, they hurt you, or you hurt them? The electricity you feel in the air from your auras contorting enflaming and making live to each other in the background while you're fucking?
its heroin.

It is evolutionary. It's to encourage people to breed and ensure the survival of the next generation. Same sex attraction is just a case of those urges misfiring. Most people are slightly bisexual and homosexuality is infrequent enough to have no effect on the survival of the species, so it keeps happening.

urges misfiring? i dont think so. Homosexualitys been extremely prevalent in lots of highly developed nations over history. japan, rome, greece, etc

so maybe gayness actually could be evolutionarily a sign of a thriving civilization/society.

but I dont think you get what i mean by love. maybe you haven't experienced it enough to know what im talking about. not only the sexual, all the other parts to it too


That means that "romantic love is not an emotion, it's a drive," Fisher said in a TED talk about the research. "And in fact, I think it's more powerful than the sex drive."

I think love is a natural next step in typical human bonding and our drive to form connections with each other. I'm sure someone with more scientific knowledge could explain it better, but in my own tired words, I think it's just what you get when you form a bond with someone who provides you bond with someone who provides you companionship and sex or whatever else comes with a relationship.

>it cant just be evolutionary, because i feel it for men too; i would think evolution wouldn't give me any reason to love another man like that.
Evolution isn't this flawless, perfect design creating thing though. Evolution just takes whatever works and runs with it. Also, there is evidence that same sex couples fulfil a social role in the group; adopting orphaned children. You can see this with penguins actually, it's kind of interesting. I remember there being a TED Talk about this sort of topic, if this thread's still up by next morning I'll link it

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Honestly, love is super overrated and often times something you seriously overlook untill you're blindly following everything the person you're in love with without thinking. Even if it means they're a Any Forums user, you eventually become another Any Forums user and don't see why until you think back on it. Love makes you hate yourself more than anything else so don't fall in love.

Love for me is an oil slick feeling of heat, like a coiled snake in my chest telling me MINE MINE MINE. All I want is her or him next to me, mine, to keep and enjoy, spend my time with all for me, only for me, always, forever. Like a hot knife stabbing me in the heart to drive me to succeed, and give them everything, do what I want, do what I need because I have to do it to keep them FOR ME. Its the divine expression of me, to take whats mine, because it should be mine. Thats love for me. I dont feel safety, just the snake, just the bite, constant venom in my veins making me strong. I would literally do anything for that person. such is my love that when we split, I would also do anything to hurt them, so i have to cut people off. It may not be pleasant, but life isnt pleasant. It sounds pretty awful, but here, I dont have to lie. This is evolution. The rage of a beast, the love of the game. Why do I feel it for men? Probably because conquering some D tier failed male manlet with a girly face gives children a better chance to survive. Doesnt matter because they still belong to me and only me. I told my ex girlfriend, I came for you and only you because to me you are special, in this moment you are real. Life is my dream, and this feeling makes me alive, or maybe lucid, and it feels like the first time in forever that I become myself again. Thats love, baby. Thats what its like to burn alive, or drown under a sunless sea. constricting, burning, oily, venomous love. I love how I hate, because hate is only love of what is evil. You want magic? Magic is the truth of your own divine will when you have what belongs to you and the wind is at your back. Imagine the years behind us, the things weve done. And yet growing older doesnt feel like a scar, does it? I feel alive, alive with you, and every time i step back into this world from my dreams i feel like im seventeen years old again, at the bottom of the universe, looking up.

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It's the only reason I can't enjoy life.

>Most people are slightly bisexual and homosexuality is infrequent enough to have no effect on the survival of the species, so it keeps happening
Not only, but at least some of it is propagating due to it boosting female relative reproduction success, according to that 2004 study

damn dude thats fucking poetic and beautiful

"gives children a better chance to survive."

What do you mean by that...

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If i have one or two of fags in love with me, naturally they will protect my children and wife

How the hell are you going to fine more than one person to fall in love with you? Your poem gives stalker vibes too...

this is the kind of love i have experienced all my life

it's hard being this way

but i feel lucky to feel so much, i don't mind the intrusive thoughts i welcome them

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>but i feel lucky to feel so much
exactly, it sucks in some ways but its also nice.
>i don't mind the intrusive thoughts i welcome them
nothing better to do or focus on sometimes than just being head over heels over someone

Man, it's dope being aromantic and not bothering with all these bullshit feelings and instead dating with rationality intact.

>Man, it's dope being aromantic and not bothering with all these bullshit feelings and instead dating with rationality intact.
maybe but maybe not. you're missing out but also lucky

You don't need love for a good dating life, if anything love blinds you to a bad dating life.