If you are a white or white passing tranner, genuinely stfu

If you are a white or white passing tranner, genuinely stfu

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mmmmmm I just love being so.... WHITE its soooo goood

No, don't stfu. Instead, dysu. Diaper yourself up

i'm white but i sure ain't passing

stay mad

> My heckin poc feefees r hurt
Stay mad


>Muh person of color oppression doooood
Shut the FUCK up genuinely kill yourself I’m not even a fucking racist but people like you make me want to be because you’re so fucking entitled and narcissistic that you somehow convinced yourself that every fucking life problem you ever had was because MU SOCIETY fucked you over instead of accepting that you’re a RETARDED UNLIKEABLE PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT KILL YOURSELF I HATE YOU YOU FUCKING NEGROID GOD I HATE YOUR KIND SO MUCH

I'm irish can I talk

take the bait more you fools

as long as you dont compare your guys’ thing to chattel slavery like some people do

>white tranner
>people call me every other race anyway

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u italian u aint white

I'm white and I hate niggers
Also not a tranny so fuck your rule fag

Maybe its because of living in ethnic vs white homogenous communities, but it feels like ppl like me who aren't white always get mistaken as white while white people in white places aren't.

It’s always funny to see people try and do the shameless oppression Olympics schtick for trannies. Like what kind of delusional clown do you have to be to think that being a tranny is east street for any race? It’s like if you walked into a quadriplegic forum and made a post saying that white cripples should stfu.

??? we were literally slaves for being irish user.... why are you racist against the irish you cunt

Yeah I'm racist against irish and Italians, and?

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if you're "white-passing" you are white. white isn't an ethnicity, it's a racial category. white is DEFINED as white-passing

irish are literally one of the most oppressed minorities. we had it worse than the other races even during slave era.