Always hated jerking off

>always hated jerking off
>used to tuck my dick between my thighs and push on the base like it was a clit
it never even began

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Do you have foreskin? Rub the back of your retracted dick like a clit, make it really fem :3

That's fucking adorable lol

I should try this...

based true bottom

This, OP. Rub the frenulum while on your knees. Don't grab it under any circumstances, when you cum you'll feel amazing.

Rubbing ny frenulum and cumming from that are the best orgasms I have ever had in my entire life


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it still works if you’re cut lol

Bold of you to assume every kike doctor is kind enough to leave the frenulum alone

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Why on your knees?

I never realized that all cuts are different until recently

tfw I keep thinking I'm over it but the reality is just that nobody I've interacted with has mentioned foreskin for a while so I finally forgot again, and then I see posts talking about "best orgasm I ever had" and shit

>and then I see posts talking about "best orgasm I ever had"
I'm sorry user :(

Do you have to tuck the dick while it's soft? I can't really picture what you all are saying

Retract your foreskin
Apply lube
Rub it with one finger untill orgasm
Where did tucking come from

lol sucks to suck Any Forumsack, enjoy your shitty non-orgasms

It's the male clitoris in terms of sensitivity. I think it's actually been compared to be similar in terms of feeling but there isn't much science behind it, or the clitoris in general really.

Circumcision is genital mutilation and I'm very against it. 90% of the medical reasons are bullshit, and even the excuse of phimosis is bullshit because in the majority of cases you can fix it with exercises.

t. uncut tranny who had phimosis and fixed it in highschool with stretching exercises

>anyone who cares that doctors are amputating parts of babies' cocks for no reason is from Any Forums
eat shit and die, you're certainly not helping anything. some of those dicks could belong to future trannies whose neovag won't be good because they had less skin/no sensitive skin to work with, genius.

>uncut tranny who had phimosis and fixed it in highschool with stretching exercises
Based, we need to educate the world about doctors' lies.

you can be against circumcision without using racial slurs retard

Go to /gif/ or a porn site and look up ruined orgasms/frenulum stimulation. A ton of "ruined orgasm" content is just girls exploiting the frenulum and giving the guys incredible orgasms.

Aren't ruined orgasms suppsied to bring no pleasure? Frenulum rubbing brings me tons of pleasure

Yes, which is why I put "ruined orgasms" in quotation marks.

Jew spotted. There is nothing redeeming about your kind.

Oh alright