Transition from female to male

>transition from female to male
>get top and bottom surgeries
>immediately put on a bikini
why are pooners like this?

Attached: E7CBB881-D946-4F92-9B1B-7B848F4E4E4F.jpg (2228x2619, 960.09K)

that's one ugly woman

Because wearing a bikini with a manly body is drastically different than wearing a bikini with a girly body, and the clothes are still sexy either way

Pooners are real men and that means they can have AGP

because it upsets you and that's funny

it doesn’t upset me, but it pushes me further into believing afabs can’t be trans

idk why you are freaking out over a pooner being kinky. plenty of cis men like to dress up in lingerie every once in a while and sometimes their wives or gfs really like it too. imagine calling the gender police on a tranny. get a life

>bottom surgery

you don't mean... THE GRAFT

>why are pooners like this?
same reason trannies boymode


You know when you're early in transition, and the contrast between the way you present and your body makes dysphoria worse? This is pretty much the opposite of that

it makes you look masculine by contrast, i get it

imagine dressing like a pooner as an mtf and just looking like a normal girl with short hair

>doesn't pass in a bikini
>puts it on
keyed pooner with passing humor

poonrick the grafted

More like this

Attached: CE2F70DE-358D-4CE3-857B-8F0D9E9B0DEE.jpg (1125x1493, 1.61M)

i thought the censorship was a pad falling out in the thumbnail

>i wore this as a girl
maybe they are showing off their gains

Only decent looking pooner I've ever seen, would let fuck my new pussy only if she drops the girl clothes and acts like a fucking man

Attached: kek.png (69x96, 15.47K)

Sir susan’s place is that way

cuz its hot as fuck, i fucking love posting faggg pics of myself, cant wait till i get top surgery and can start wearing crop tops and mini skirts

fucking based

female to sissy