Why are troons incapable of picking names that aren't clocky?

Why are troons incapable of picking names that aren't clocky?

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because they're afraid of being normal

Why the fuck would you intentionally pick a name that's giga normie?

Assimilationists are weird people.

That’s not even a weird name dumbass

>try to pick something different
>end up one of many Alices/Aydens
In the case of Theodore, it's not the weirdness that makes it clocky.

This is why I've been holding off picking a name I actually like lmao, I'm terrified of someone thinking I "stole" their name so I'm going to have to go with something super ethnic

Who cares if your name is clocky? Your name should be something that's meaningful - to you. Maybe whatever your parent would've named you if your were born the other sex. Or some reference to an important person in your life. Or something meaningful that describes you. Trying to utilise your name as a tool for going stealth is just.. kinda cringe.

>popular right now
>pulls up random year in the past
>not popular then
>hm guess it's not that popular right now

Retard, it's implying that you should pick names that are popular in your birth year. See: the Ayden epidemic. Tons of millenial trans men gave themselves Ayden names when there were basically no Aydens before gen Z.

I picked a weird ass name bc people saying "oh I know someone named that" always annoyed me and I wanted something unique to me that had actual meaning and shi


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i think its funny that most 'troon' names are just popular names

She wasn't born last year though that's what op means. Personally idc call yourself whatever you want

i like that i picked drew. it fits me, i like it, no other mtfs have it, and i love 90% male names for women

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>implying Willow, Scarlet, Siobhan, Reena, anything opera-ey, or a pet name isn't a giga normie tranny name

You are genuinely better off with a normie female name.

The name Theodore wasn’t invented in 2021, user.

Cordelia isnt clocky, and its the best character from Angel and Buffy

You shouldn't pick those either.

queers have names like that in general, when my aunt snapped and left the Jehovah's witnesses to be a lesbian tattoo artist, she changed her name to Willow.

I named myself Patrycja :)
Which is the 10th most popular name in the year I was born

Chances are you would have gotten a non clocky name of you were born the right sex so what's wrong with just picking a normie name you happen to like?

If there's a normie name you like, go for it. But what matters is that you like it, not that it's non-clocky.

>of you were born the right sex
Idk, I don't really subscribe to that worldview? My hypothetical cis clone would be a totally different person at this point.