So you’re finally okay with what you see in the mirror

after injecting yourself with brain and body altering hormones no human should ever be taking at such high doses
Okay, and now you’re “happy”? Flip your reflection, half of you look like sick dirty dogs, me included. The first step is accepting it and detransitioning like me, no matter how good me or you look in the mirror, that’s not what others see. People see your nonmirrored image, the real deal. You probably look like a sick dog, asymmetrical face begging to be put down.

Just put the hormones down, look into your life, and realize you weren’t meant to be a man.

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you sound unhappy user. how's your relationship with your father?

No progynova, estrofem, “brazilian astolfanon skin oil” will save you. You’re a male, you can delude your self perception but your real deal is the non mirrored reflection.

is that an s15?

After telling him i’m detransitioning and giving him my hormones, quite good. He agreed with my comments about me looking like a rabid dog begging to be killed.

I think it’s an s13? but i might be wrong

Idk what ur post is trying to tell me but i hope u will be ok schizoanon

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actually i think it might be a toyota soarer ?

that sounds quite troubling. how was your relationship like when you were a child?

Good, before i started the hormones. My parents used to love me, I will get that again

detrooner projects own self hatred and personal issues onto others episode 6534

so your parents stopped loving you huh? do you really want the care from the people who sound like they abandoned you? You sound confused user and I'm sorry. Have you ever been diagnosed with autism? This is important, trust me I'm a scientist

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>body altering hormones no human should ever be taking at such high doses
What? Most trans people end up with hormone blood levels equal to or less than cis people.
>Flip your reflection
I don't mind my flipped reflection at all.

no im not autistic

my face just looks so. stupid when i flip it but its ok in the mirror and idk what to do

>I don't mind my flipped reflection at all.
I'm happy for you.

>mirrored image BDD cope
Have you ever seen a mirrored image of someone else? It looks different, but it’s obviously the same person and you recognize them the same way. Just because the mirrored image is uncanny to you doesn’t mean you’re actually uncanny, you’re just getting that effect because you’re used to seeing yourself in a mirror. Hope this speeds up your retransition.

the human brain is used to seeing you reflected so when you aren't your brain has trouble recognizing it as yourself. plenty of people struggle with this, cis and trans. You need to look at some of the root causes for your discomfort with your appearance. Are their certain specific triggers about yourself? Did anything ever happen or did anyone ever say something that made you more aware of what causes you distress? You sound like your in pain user and for that I am sorry

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You've made the first step user, keep going :)

>Just put the hormones down, look into your life, and realize you weren’t meant to be a man.
Thanks user that's very affirming, I'll keep taking my estrogen now

For real though, detransitioners should realize they are in the bottom 0.1% of intelligence for the general population. Did you really never think about the effects of T before you started injecting yourself? Did you really never think "oh, maybe the reason I think I'm a boy has something to do with my massive yaoi consumption"? How did you never realize this until now? You realize 99% of real trannies figure this stuff out *before* they start taking hormones? "Uh I realized I wasn't a tranny because I figured out how a mirror worked and I stopped being able to jerk it to myself" cope and seeth 3 IQ faggot.

Nah I’m ok. HRT made me happier and made me look better. People are nicer me now and everything feels so much more right. I’ve even gained the confidence confidence to go on dates now which I never thought I’d be able to do. Why would I want to give all of that up?

seems like massive cope, i drew lines over my face in the middle and my lips and nose go slightly to the side and i think one eyebrow is bigger than the other

ty user next i’m gonna go make some terf vids

you’re genuinely retarded and i didn’t understand half your post


are you sure you don't have autism user? You seem very influenced by others

no, we can talk on discord if u share it

I'm not posting my discord. Make a throwaway or post yours if you want to talk to me

>i drew lines over my face in the middle and my lips and nose go slightly to the side and i think one eyebrow is bigger than the other
Try prettyscale, it’ll tell you if your asymmetry is even something you have to worry about. It’s honestly a pretty decent site for evaluating /how/ brainwormed you are.