Scared about the future

has anyone thought about the future of LGBT? I have two theories:

>science progresses
>we discover the genetic markers causing homosexuality and transsexuality
>we discover that LGBT is nurturing and identify what specifically causes it

this has made me concerned for what happens next. there are already clinics that let you submit sperm and the doctor will select a sperm cell that contains genes for blue eyes. so what is stopping them from doing this to select a straight child? what will stop mothers from choosing to abort their child if they know that they won't be straight and cis?

or if it is not genetic, what's stopping conservatives from banning whatever causes people to be LGBT?

the future of LGBT will literally just be confined to third world countries where it's not even worth being LGBT. we will never get to live in a utopia where being LGBT is acceptable because inevitably we will always eradicate ourselves.

this is terrifying and I have no idea how to avoid this fate. are we reaching the end of LGBT? please find holes in my theory I am scared

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I came to this place to escape my brainworms not develop existential ones

oh no there won't be any more mentally ill trannies or guys fucking eachothers poopholes. what will society do

And what exactly makes you think everyone, or even most people, will be able to afford to do that?

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I think at first it will not be something affordable, but as years go on it will most likely be cheaper and cheaper and maybe even provided by insurance. like a "genetic screening" of your kid to look for potential health defects, and the fact that we can identify if they are gay/trans will also be available on that screening because it's the same thing. so yes initially we are OK but as time goes on it will basically be something every parent in a first world country will be made aware of as part of the maternity services offered to them during their pregnancy.

and let's also consider the alternative. conservatives are against abortion right now, but if we really prove that being gay/trans is in your DNA, I am almost certain that conservatives will flip and start towards a path saying we should perform eugenics on babies that are not cis/straight. this sounds insane now because we are in the current time, but if there is undeniable genetic proof that being gay or trans is in our DNA it is almost certain that conservative forces will want to eradicate such a creature from even being born so that we can live in a society where everyone is straight and cis. so even if it's unaffordable, it would not surprise me if conservatives decide to reduce military spending for this issue and provide it for free as legally mandated by law. I don't want to think these things user they just seem inevitable to me...

what the fuck man

I guess not many people are as concerned about this future issue. maybe in a few years as we make progress in this direction others will start to wonder the same thing.

>but as years go on it will most likely be cheaper and cheaper
So you don't even know how this would work but you are convinced that it will get cheaper and more accessible over time
>I am almost certain that conservatives will flip and start towards a path saying we should perform eugenics on babies that are not cis/straight.
The thing you have to realize is the reason conservative politicians and interest groups are against abortion is not moral, because these are the most cynical fucks you've met in your life. They do not have morals. They are 100% only interested in making their bank accounts bigger because they're in a dick waving competition with their other rich friends. They believe that humans who are not in their tax bracket are stock cattle who exist to buy their products and services. The more of them there are in the world the better, and if those poors feel some shame for their proclivities that's even better because shame is a great way to sell people things.

This is also ignoring the fact that you are just assuming science will be able to predict someone will be gay based on vibes. You are panicking about technologies you don't understand, and that's fine because things are definitely moving quickly, but you need to take a look at how technological and medical advancement in the past hundred years have actually gone. You are essentially worrying over nothing.

This is literally mindless dooming with zero basis. Stop thinking you live in a dystopia. Go outside.

it’s not mindless dooming. that is just your way of dismissing it without taking it seriously. what exactly did you see here that doesn’t seem plausible?

If you want people to take your points seriously make points worth taking seriously

(1) There is no such thing as a genetic marker or set of genetic markers that cause being LGBT
(2) We already know nurture has a lot to do with gender and sexuality
(3) The medical establishment in first world countries is pro-LGBT
(4) There has already been a ton of discussion about ethics of gene editing for countless other traits and if you weren't dooming about all those before, you have no reason to doom about this

i for one welcome my GATTACA huge cock pleasuredome lifestyle

Ok I'm not on OP's side but I will say, on your third point, have you ever met a medical administrator user?

> The thing you have to realize is the reason conservative politicians and interest groups are against abortion is not moral, because these are the most cynical fucks you've met in your life. They do not have morals. They are 100% only interested in making their bank accounts bigger because they're in a dick waving competition with their other rich friends. They believe that humans who are not in their tax bracket are stock cattle who exist to buy their products and services. The more of them there are in the world the better, and if those poors feel some shame for their proclivities that's even better because shame is a great way to sell people things.
This is completely false. Conservatives think abortion is murder.

There is nothing morally right about allowing trannies or intersex to be born in the first place if you can prevent it through genetic engineering or early detection. Their life is just guaranteed suffering. I'm talking about "people with dysphoria" and "actual freaks with malfunctioning genitals from birth."

And yes this also applies to ugly people and stupid fucks. Eugenics should have started in the 1940s, we'd all be happy supermen or blissfully nonexistent.

No, your grandma who spends all day watching fox news thinks abortion is murder.
She is not in charge of abortion policy.
A politician who went to an ivy league school is.

the future will just be an extension of the quo. I predict:
>srs will become better but far more expensive
>companies will be founded solely for the purpose of taking out massive loans for srs/ffs
>there will be a huge shortage of estrogen without reason for a couple years
>most western countries will ban transitioning medically before 18 outright
>more ufc trans fighters
>most mass media/traditional media must have lgbt characters
>trans attempted suicide rate will stabilized somewhere north of 50%

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I assure you Texas GOP is not as clever as you presume them to be

We shouldybe afraid of truth

Even if eugenics became mainstream there would still be people born outside of it and would probably be some discrimination against them by a supremacist society.

Even more some people just might be able to select for better children than others as a result of chance or previous genetics. It would just lead to a firmer reinforcement of classism based on idolization of genes.

You're politically retarded if you genuinely think that anyone in the upper echelons of the republican party is a true believer.