

Attached: manysuchcases.png (956x1322, 1.04M)

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I would have been fine with succeeding at my suicide attempts when I was 11 and later in high school, when at most people suspected I was a little faggy, but now that I'm out, it feels like I have to see this transition thing through or else I'll be a failure, if I kill myself now it would be so pathetic

i dont wanna be rude but like.. huh? ok, a tranner killed themselves. happens every day, though. what was special about her?

i do wonder how many of you have avoided suicide because you know Any Forums chuds will turn you into another hilarious dead troon meme if you do

only reason im alive is out of spite and the knowledge i would be hurting my fellow boymoders.

i wish she could've been happier

>you can literally see the pain in her eyes

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I'm in a pretty tight knit (although surprisingly not racist) rural town and there have been a bunch of deaths (cancer and shit) this summer of cherished (and not so cherished) community members, and I see the response they get it's loving and awesome that my community is like this, but like, I don't want to be the talk of the town for the next 6 months and have all my awkward photos posted everywhere and then in each household everytime someone mentions my family or a trans person at the dinner table they're all going to think of me.

That is such a sad picture :(

Wish I could've dated her. She's so cute. She might be alive if I could've.

knowing how many of us don't make it helps me remember to keep pushing, i try to keep living for them, if not for myself.

i want to cry i wish her life could‘ve been kinder to her

one less hon on this planet, thank god

agreed he did a good thing and ended his pain

No one deserves that go fuck off and touch grass you evil fucks

i dont understand why most Any Forumstards see tranners as "victims" of a jewish scam or whatever the fuck and then celebrates whenever one of em dies "another groomer ded XD"
just look at the comments of this vid

do these fucks not have compassion or something why do we always gotta be seen as animals or political tools or whatever fuck

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>please reach out if you need help
anyone who reaches out will be met with absolutely no help

Only so much you can do to help a tranner

and that's why it's at 41% or whatever it's at now
everybody just sees us as gross freaks and at this point i don't blame them anymore

I'll help out by dating them