Be me

>be me
>go to the most transphobic country in latin america
>expected to be hatecrimed
>no one hatecrimed despite looking like a tranny

now i don't even believe that red states in the usa are that transphobic

why privileged leftists think that they are oppressed in a first world country

Attached: paraguay-on-world-map.jpg (1200x600, 40.52K)

Spics are all faggots and cick suckers
Come to Eastern Europe we'll treat you right

everything bad you've heard about latam was a lie
it's tranny paradise

But op, thats not Brazil.
Anyway, latin america is centuries ahead of lgbt shit that anglo land, even when they are third world countries they have better healtcare, education and ecological aspirations.

>But op, thats not Brazil.
i never said that

>latin america is centuries ahead of lgbt shit that anglo land
probably cuz people don't care (like the rest of the world?)

>even when they are third world countries they have better healtcare, education and ecological aspirations
no, thinking that is fucking retarded, you never lived in a third world country

The US has the best healthcare and education in the world. In other countries they may be more widely available, but the quality is worse.

literally this, i rather pay only premium healthcare than have only shit healthcare

My understanding is that the violence on trannies in latam is mostly tied to common criminality rather than anti trans hate, but i don't really know much

>anti trans hate
that literally doesnt exist. only exists on hyperwoke countries as a natural reaction.

Of course it exists, just like anti-gay hate.

Most transphobia isn’t hatecrime shit. It’s getting fired from your job or kicked out of your home if you’re trans, and it’s perfectly legal to do in red states.

not sure about paraguay but colombia literally has better LGBT laws than the USA does

>latin america is centuries ahead of lgbt shit that anglo land
Yes but still dangerous
>they have better healtcare
Yes, it's "free" but with a big wait list and some hospitals don't receive enough money to sustain themselves
Only if you can afford
>ecological aspirations
Good joke
t. brazilian

I'm Brazilian. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, you retard. Our free healthcare is of shitty quality, and there are people who die because of waiting too long on the queues. Our education gets mogged by oblivion by the United States and every single other 1st-world country. The Amazon is getting buttfucked daily and nobody cares.
Vai chupar um pau, seu viado traveco de merda.

>The Amazon is getting buttfucked daily and nobody cares
Based. Burn it all down macaco.

Having experienced both this is flat out bullshit.

Brazilians dont count, they are monkeys. They are like the india of latam.

How are they better

Attached: 80E879E3-A6DC-4061-B309-D6E13E64B77A.png (518x591, 20.82K)

>America consistently ranked behind 20 other countries in education
>even the best performing state (Massachusetts) is only top 10, not #1.

Some latam countries have better healthcare than the us