You see my quandary, right?

>48k tweets in re: Chris Chan
>0.0k tweets in re: "Janke"
>0.000k tweets in re: her spook parents, etc.

Like, I mean, I'm not per se DEFENDING edgelordism, but if this is the degree of rigor present in the discourse, then how, precisely, can I be reasonably expected to respect its conclusions on literally fucking anything?

If people can make forty-eight thousand-- I'm going to be charitable here and say "mildly redundant" posts on this topic, and of those posts about... Let's say "a hundred", even though I haven't seen a hundred because what I've seen is in fact like ten, are in any way about the... I feel like a fag for saying this but "power differential" between the daughter of the instruments of various intelligence apparatuses, who has almost certainly absorbed certain techniques, habitus et cetera just through osmosis, and an autistic person who draws their Sonic OCs in crayon, then...

I just find it sort of hard to take the court of public opinion seriously, you know?

Attached: nah it's just recreation bro.jpg (1436x1085, 135.45K)

i have no clue who janke is but chris chan is literally the original lolcow of course people are gonna buzz when he gets arrested

>i have no clue who janke is
Yeah, that's my whole point.

>mentions literally who
>my point exactly!

Attached: 1653759856374.gif (600x338, 2.39M)

If you can't see how the person who groomed Chris Chan into committing incest is relevant to the discussion of Chris Chan doing that, then you are blind

I’ve been following Chris’ shaninigans for a while(god what was it 2010/11) I honestly think the court case is going to expose a lot more messed things with the chandler household (if the allegations are true about barb) not to mention it’s a trial between a possible schizophrenic and his dementia ridden mother. It’s also upsetting though that Janke is going to get away with her shit though the animal torture stuff is enough to warrant concern over being a psychopath let alone her main goal was trying to get Chris to Kill themselves like she tried earlier with another tranner that she knew from school.

It should have ended with blue spike and Clyde cash… we got the bad ending

Sorry pal I got tired of CWCWiki and ED years ago, and I think so have most people that were in the know.

Then why's it got 48k tweets, THOUGH

I would expect people being semi-invested but not actually knowing what they talk about, so Twitter as usual

Yeah apparently her parents paid a internet crisis team to remove her from internet. They've even been making fake people w her name when u google her to bury her stuff.

How petty am i if what burns me up the most is that the pictures people do pass around of her still are the ones where she faked having big boobs

>internet crisis team
do tell

You're a max level pseudointellectual

I do not think that noticing this requires that I be ANY kind of intellectual, you know? I think it requires that, like, I have eyes, and be able to read, but I'd sort of figure that anyone who had eyes and could read would be able to notice it.

Which is why, when people don't notice it, it's kind of weird. You know what I mean?

self described christorians are the most pathetic lot

I mean the way you write. It's cringe af

You mean how I'm kind of smirky, and insinuating, and overly prim, and like, understated but in a way where it's worse than if I just said what I meant? Because that's just the KF house style. There is a reason why I'm using it for this thread.

The way you type is ableist as fuck, knock that shit off.



You not liking a person is not cause for misgendering them. Kindly fuck off.

I like it!

Chris chan is not trans. Go back to Twitter, you have no idea what you're talking about

She is. And she uses she/her pronouns.

This kind of transphobia is not welcome here.

>Go back to Twitter
It's possibly to use more than one social media, you know?

yaoi hands hnnnnghg