Does he pass?

does he pass?

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Who cares, they’re a self-absorbed talentless hack

Rent free

This person is proof that trannies have special rights, not less rights. She lives in a mansion, loves to rape people, not really that intelligent or interesting, loves to rape, millions of simps send her money, loves to rape people. Like no cis woman who looks like a bulky man and rapes people ends up this spoiled.

He's British so yes

never ever

fookin rapist innit

I honestly just dont care about trans people. It's like .01% of the population. And I just dont think they really have it that hard. "Aaah people think I am ugly when I dress like a woman." "Ahhh they wont let me pee in the girls room I am going to kill myself." It just seems like there are worse things in the world.

Sounds like you really don't care a lot

She can rape me

I care some. Its a real hot topic right now. But I never really understood why.

See what I mean? These are dregs who float right to the top of life.

fffffffFUck no look at that fucking head look at that big ass flat face with the gigajaw this is like a genetic freak of nature that had he just worked out instead of being a weird coomer grifter, could have been a powerful warrior of a man

>But I never really understood why.
Both sides carry inherent danger. It's a powder keg and everyone realizes that.


Kinda. For a lateshit with really huge body, her looks are kinda impressive.

not quite yet but she really doesn't look that bad, especially IRL, idk why she looks so much more hulking in her videos

A fat Daisy Ridley

Wait, You've seen PT IRL?

I've certainly seen worse, but I think she would look decent if she tried a little harder. She carries so much extra weight that makes her look middle aged and less feminine. Her makeup artists do a decent enough job, but they should contour her more, particularly around her hairline to reduce the look of her forehead. Her head is large and the distance between the edges of her face and her actual nose, eyes, and mouth also look masculine so she should contour the edges to reduce the distance visually. She also has a weirdly small mouth for the rest of her face and should probably invest in lip injections (not big fake amounts like blaire white but just enough to make her lips look less flat like a man's) and properly overline them just a bit. Men's philtrums are usually longer than womens, so overlining and reducing the length will help. Her nose after ffs is okay, albeit a bit pinched, but they really should have shaved everything else down more since there's hardly any difference.

You're talking about Hontra


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