What is the most effective appetite suppressant? I really need to start ana-moding again but just can't stop eating

What is the most effective appetite suppressant? I really need to start ana-moding again but just can't stop eating.

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Y tho.

coffee is supposedly a good suppressant
drink a lot of water and lentils-type food
a can of lentils can make you feel seriously bloated to the point the idea of eating becomes annoying
anyhow don't try "not eating" because you'll very likely end up binge-eating
hunger is a physiological response that occurs automatically
try to bond the feeling of hunger with something unpleasant

Because I'm getting chubby and none of my clothes fit me properly

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The trick is to eat just less than your tdee. Eat three small meals a day with lots of vegetables and fruit, protein shakes/bars are great and fill up on broths and coffee. You'll lose weight and it won't freak out your parents and you're less likely to lose a shit ton of hair and start binge eating.

Exercise to compensate? Lots of cardio. Suppressing your appetite isn't going to help.


if you dont have access to amphetamines then coffee and cigarettes and drinking lots of water to fill your stomach is a good strategy

definitely adderall. otherwise

I can fix her...

Willpower, discipline, and a determined mind.

You can fast for days with that alone

just don't eat, then at some point you stop wanting to

Buy new clothes faggot.

Anorexic/ED chicks are the most annoying people on the planet.
have fun with losing chunks of hair, having no strength/stamina, and your farts being atomic you skeletal bpd cunts
If you wanna lose weight so badly then just eat a reasonable healthy amount and exercise for once
Also these pics aren’t sexy this is like seeing true crime pics of a poorly taxidermied human corpse that some schizo guy was dressing up and putting makeup on

You want to be a troony Cooney?

You need to try meth. No more hungry, no more tired, makes AGP feel amazing too

>What is the most effective appetite suppressant?
The feeling of smug superiority when you eat nothing despite your feeble body telling you to.

How did you know I was a troon?

Mommymaxx already you dum dum

How do I get amphetamines?

>how did you know I was a tranny just by seeing my tranny post on the tranny board?
yknow user they say prolonged malnutrition can cause brain damage

dealer or prescription

Ask the dirty guy at the gas station who is filling up his bike tires with air

There wasn't anything about what I posted that specified that I am a tranny, you're just making assumptions based on your own prejudices

does ANYONE like ana trannies?

Eat ass troony Cooney

Are you a tranny?


My “prejudiced” “assumptions”
1) Cis women barely use this board
2) FTMs generally do not post like this
3) Cis men generally do not post like this
4) Enbies and femboys may post like this sometimes
5) Picrel is of a very feminine woman with advanced anorexia, so
6) OP is a pitiful miserable brainwormed trans woman who somehow thinks having a flat ass, no tits, sunken in facial features, and an easier-to-see skeletal structure will make her look more feminine