Is this true? Even the normal, not crazy ones? How can a person tell?

Is this true? Even the normal, not crazy ones? How can a person tell?

Also, how bad would it be exactly if I made a new discord to get around a possible block just to explain myself because I think I might have gotten blocked for essentially going offline for about a week without much explanation? I've never been blocked before.

Attached: ghost.png (1750x308, 95.57K)

Discord people in general ghost all the time. Go out, touch grass, make some irl friends, if you do manage to meet up a few times, then after that they ghost far less because imho it's extremely difficult for an online friendship to have the strength of an offline one

>Even the normal, not crazy ones?
on discord?
lmao even

By ghost do you mean block? In my mind those are two different things

>Even the normal, not crazy ones?
I’ve got some bad news for you sunshine..

Yeah you have to message like everyday and kept it up to even be close, for years

I only ghost bpders and I assume others as well, that'd explain why I never got ghosted

Yeah a lot of trannies are sociopaths and unreliable; beside online ones are crazy and extremely bdd

i was ghosted by the love of my life Evi back in 2020 just a couple weeks after we met, we were getting close and it was going well, i never felt so completely overwhelmed overpowered overcome by love for someone, i sat there crying all day holding my phone to my forehead after every text she sent, then one morning i had a panic attack over my health problems being such a hinderence to me ever making it to her across the country, and she ghosted after i spammed her a bit

i never came so close to ending my life since i was a child - but i survived it thanks to starting pso2 and my ex helping me recover by playing that with me for about a month and just being a friend to me (ended up falling for her again and she got mad and quit a couple weeks later); the very day ex got mad at me Evi came back, messaging me on insta and she apologized, we resumed our relationship in a few more weeks after someone else i had hit it off with briefly left me the night my mom had a major stroke (she died 3mo later, never saw her again after stroke due to covid restrictions and distance)

we have been on/off ever since, i met my exbf on pso2 a couple weeks before my moms stroke and around thanksgiving he told me he was already setting aside alot of his paychecks funding to save my life and move me to a new house with him and his wife

a week after newyears he flew to cali to meet me, and at end of feb him and wifey came to my tiny roach infested slum apartment and packed my things and moved me across the country - which sadly didnt turn out so great after a few weeks there his wife ruined the house with her filthy food messes; luckily i met my pso2 gf Amber around easter 2021 and she left her gf for me a few days later, came to meet me 2mo later, moved me to her last october after summer visits

then i slowly realized i couldn't be without Evi, so now im poly, my Evi is 10min away, and both relationships are going well

my goddess saved my life and answered my prayers

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stfu weirdo

They're all crazy. Trannies suck.

>by the love of my life
>just a couple of weeks after we met
Stopped reading right there

Attached: CCF1A086-294A-4171-AD74-C54E1C653FB4.jpg (500x318, 16.86K)

There is only really 1 person who ghosted me(because of a misunderstanding) that i cared enough to add back and she did and we had a nice conversation and came to an understanding, we tried to be friend after that but we just kind of drifted apart

i just think in general people need to realize that online relationships aren't real and they are never going to last or work in the long term especially with people who have mental health or attachment issues

Meds. Now.

>a new house with him and his wife

if someone blocks you do not try to contact them again. if they blocked you, it's for a reason. they're very likely not going to block you just over not logging in for a week, and on the off chance they did do it for that reason, then that still means they do not want to talk to you again. if they wanted to talk to you again they would've left you unblocked so you could talk to them whenever you might come back.

>bend over backward and do everything you can to provide for your jobless disabled tgf
>still get cucked by some online relationship she had for a couple weeks in a video game
it’s over

i have schizoid pd and can barely tolerate anyone else. do something i don't like and you are going to be blocked and ghosted, just how it is

Evi is a piece of shit

ive ghosted pretty much all my friends over time even people ive know for years sorry! you cant really tell it just happens.

imagine the smell