I don't even know if i'm trans, or if i just fell for my own larp

i don't even know if i'm trans, or if i just fell for my own larp
the feelings have been getting worse

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Seek a mental health professional

i would rather not, as mental health professionals are evil and desire to hurt me

why the fuck do people give this advice to so many threads here. what the fuck is such a person going to provide? the average user on this board will literally be 1000x better, and the average user here is utterly retarded and/or insane

no, they're not evil or trying to hurt anyone. they're just extremely incompetent, ignorant, and unintelligent

Fine. Stay retarded. Not my problem.

Let me guess. Your retarded also.

They are really good at helping you sort out your feelings you fucking idiot.

they've only ever hurt me, dicked me around and fucked with me

Find a better one faggot

i went to multiple, therapists, councillors and a psychologist :)

What the fuck is there to smile about? You are obviously having a mental health crisis. I don't see how that constitutes feelings of happiness. Wait are you in your teens?

How retarded can you reveal yourself to be with a mental health professional? Will they give out to you for being too brainwormed even if it is only directed inwards?

You kids are retarded faggots.

i'm 19, so yeah ig?

That explains it. Kid hormones. Don't cut your dick off or start taking any troon drugs. You'll be fine.

>Don't cut your dick off or start taking any troon drugs.
So that they can troon out in their mid twenties regretting not starting earlier?

I dunno either. I mean basically at any time if I could pick to be a cis woman instead of a man I would do it without thinking too much about it, but I don't really know if it's worth it to troon out. Sometimes being a man is tolerable but other times it makes me want to die or hurt myself. I hate being like this.

What larp?

I've wanted to be a girl since I was a little kid and like I've repeatedly considered transitioning and kept talking myself out of it and now I'm in my mid to late twenties regretting not starting sooner but I still haven't even been able to make myself start. This stuff is such an absolute curse.

Ooooorrrrrr they start now and regret it when it's too late AND FUCKING KILL THEMSELVES you dumb bitch. Better late than never.

i larped for a very long time as a girl/mtf before i ever started feeling like this, but now i do feel these tranny thoughts and idk what to do

I feel so sorry for you
And you think they won't fucking kill themselves if they waste a few more years and get to the point where HRT is useless? Fuck off

I’m retarded I know, but like do the rest of you talk about whatever freely. Even the most retarded brainworms you know are retarded and not feel like you’ve just humiliated yourself by revealing you think about it.
Like I imagine a disapproving look at least and in their head just laughing at my the stupidity or being disgusted by you as a person

So your saying either way op is going to kill themselves. God damn bro. That's fucking cold nigga. Maybe you should kill yourself faggot.

You're the one that wants OP to keep masculinising untill they inevitably kill themselves
If they start hrt they'll know whether it's right for them or not

Bitch none of that made any fucking sense bro. Try again